With the NCC poised to take back control of Panorama, moving the large bands Panorama contest back into the Sunday's Dimanche Gras would a shot in the arm for the event. Secondly the, Medium and Small bands would have day to shine for themselves.
All you real old yes.
Panorama in the Dimanche Gras? Who could remember that?
Right now the DG suffering and might have to get the axe and you want to lump panorama with it.
The NCC is becoming involved with panorama to secure the gate receipts so the greedy at the helm of PT cannot get their paws on it. That's all.
They haven't figured out how to raise the audience in their own show much less to add 12 hours of pan to it.
What would be nice though is for the winning panorama band to play at the DG, that will give it a boost.
All very good Ideas and solutions to consider, time for implementation. NCC, PT there’s work to be done. 365 days in the year, time to come up with a PLAN. Listen to yuh Faddah…
Serious question: After 2017 Carnival is over, do you think PT, with all its controversy & alleged corruption will still be alive and be a viable organization, to which the pan fraternity will continue to subscribe?
Peter, I can give the short answer No, understanding the reality Trini psyche as you so artfully and succinctly describe, yuh see...when I grow up I want to be like you. My vision is securing Pans future for our next two generations, starting NOW. Here’s my intended respond to Lance Dowrich post yesterday…
“Each Steel band should begin to take its individual steps to reorganize itself to leverage its strengths so that it presents a viable option to the market that is willing to pay for steel band music. There is a space for steel and music but I hasten to add that that market is primarily outside of Trinidad and Tobago.”
The new marketplace can be created from the Panyards, with the advancement of new technologies their music can be accessed globally without third-party expenses. The younger pan musicians, with the help of their management can seize on these opportunities and create products for their bands earnings. The Junior Panorama has not been promoted and given the global exposure that will showcase their talents and skills. They are the future of the steelband movement.
YouTube is creating young millionaires who are creating products for their user’s consumption. Teenagers are creating their own channels and monetizing their work. There’s a growing marketplace where teenagers using the new technologies, creating their music videos, producing their own gaming videos. Major companies in the gaming industry are staging competitions where kids are competing for six figure earnings. Google’s YouTube, Game sites, FB and others are making billions off their growing customer's appeal from all across the globe. We must be willing to outgrow what no longer fits.
Me eh think so either. That organization is history. Very bad history. And with it will go all the associated scum buckets who endangered the future of pan and jeopardized the welfare of pan people under their umbrella.
Some will say ‘nothing happens by coincidence’. Yet others, … ‘everything happens for a purpose’. Well, I believe this is a dawning of a new day for pan. It appears we needed this unwelcome comess and bachannal to effect a change, hopefully, a meaningful change. As you well know — all change eh necessarily progress, right? Righttttttttttttttt.
I read on some silly posting that the two gentlemen who stood up and met with PT capitulated. Dey didn’t have a plan. Dey accept bribe. Dey had no idea who they were going up against. On and on. Vilified, slandered and made fun of. If it turns out that you and I are right, in that, that pathetic organization is no more, capitulation would be spelt VINDICATION.
“We must be willing to outgrow what no longer fits.”
How yuh could preach so!!!
Yuh songing like meh uncle. Ah luv it.
Ah go have to borrow that line… :-) ;-) :-)
Dr Delight and ODW....sorry to burst allyuh fellas bubble..with all the late payment of "remittances" from the 2016 Panorama...can any of you identify ANY steelband that voiced concern? To give a short answer...none...well not before the last few weeks with all the excitement that ensued. The reason that no band dared to complaining because ALL bands in Trinidad depend on mercenary player to bolster their ranks and in turn ALL bands are involved in the false name skullduggery. Only very brave men break the law and show dey face...or maybe allyuh don't know that?...
Now I am in no way condoning Pan Trinbago's tardiness where this stipend is concerned...I'm just enquiring who ALL who were without sin didn't cast the first stone...
You’re not bursting my bubble, friend. As long as you are sharing what you know I will always indeed be grateful — that’s what I like about your responses.
Please enlighten me further on something very, very simple. Ah trying to keep it to the bone.
PT was given money in 2016 to pay pan people who performed in 2016. It is my understanding that no one who performed in 2016 got paid in 2016.
If that is correct, why were they not paid? Was it that there was no money available? Was the money simply misplaced? Perhaps there was an error at the bank? What was the reason? It’s quite likely I missed that crucial information amidst all the brouhaha.
Can you tell me if anyone (with the authority to control and disburse those funds) has publicly stated where that money went to (or been misplaced)?
Those payments for the 2016 performances started (in 2017) not so long ago. Where did that money come from? Is that the lost 2016 money that has now been found? Or, is that new money from the Gov’t? I want to believe it is the latter.
The reason I ask is that I have noted that you are now referring to the tardiness of Pan Trinbago in getting 2016 payments out while many, in fact most, have indicated or alluded to corruption, malfeasance. ‘teefing’, etc, on the part of PT.
No need to mention all the bull about exotic cars and SUV’s, right?
Your keen and accurate perspective in helping me to get a better understanding is appreciated.
I honestly don’t have much information and am relying on hearsay just as the next person...I quite simply do not know. A lot of what is bandied about re: Diaz has come out of the rumblings involving Bryon Serrette's resignation and his subsequent accusations of impropreity...
Word from the Minister of Culture was that all monies promised to Pan Trinbago were paid...up to November or so Diaz was saying that monies were still outstanding...There is also talk that money that should have been available for players was used to cover hotel accomodation for Tobago panists from last year’s competition. As far as the monies that eventually surfaced recently, I understand that it was “some benefactor”, not the GOTT that was responsible…Again as I said it's all hearsay, to me at least...I am not into searching deeper for them kinda truths. If there is an activity available for my band to partake of…We in dat! That is as far as I go with Pan Trinbago.
My belief is that Pan Trinbago’s problems in part stem from gross mismanagement, even inherited anyhowness over the years. Whether it was paying unrealistic salaries, to purchasing vehicles, to overstaffing…the Greens affair…the International Panorama and Conference…you name it… I often wonder if governments over the years could not reeled in the anyhowness over the years, but when votes are in the offing every five years, I suppose it’s always another kettle of fish.
I have always adopted the wait-and-see approach where Pan Trinbago is concerned, because at the end of the day I, like all of us who have chosen to carry the albatross of a Steelband around our necks have one duty and that is to seek out the best for our respective bands. I have certain ideals due to my upbringing, I suppose, and there are certain commonplace behaviours that exist among us panmen that I do not subscribe to and I am not afraid to call a spade a spade.
I hope some of the above rambling helps…lil bit at least…
Your response is profoundly appreciated. Thanks for taking the time — total respect.
I believe there are certain fundamental questions surrounding the entire PT fiasco that need to be addressed and answered rather than rely on the silly imbecile who insists on promulgating and proliferating his drama on the forum rather than furnishing the readers with real, sound and concrete facts.
His postings (touting he is keeping the forum alive), are not about pan, shrewdly addressing its difficulties or celebrating its victories joyously, but only of himself.
Hence the reason he thrives and insists on clouding the real issues with fabricated drama.
He purports to know everything but says nothing.
It will be in the best interest of the readers of this forum to be aware that this imp is simply feeding us with an empty spoon.
As you stated above, you have certain ideals you uphold due to your upbringing. Very simply, MTTTB — you were brought up, not dragged up. I can’t say the same for the Dumb Retard Asking for More Attention.
If I am not mistaken you wrote in a prior post that you were thinking of hanging up your sticks. I hope it was simply frustration talking. I still chuckle, not with delight but with empathy, when I visualize the scene with you, your parandero and his rubber slippers on stage. You must be blessed to have kept your composure in light of the disrespect.
I do not remember the number of years you have under your pan belt but I do know you have been fighting for much and maintaining your moral ground for a long time — yuh cyah quit now.
It’s comforting not to forget that the Lord grants in a moment what we may have been unable to obtain in dozens of years.
Mo’ Pan.