In response to a WST member's pushing that we end PANORAMA, I entered the following thoughts...
So, in your opinion, we should scrap over 60 years of tradition because of "bad judging"? A Panorama tune may become boring to you after "4to5 mins", but please do not assume that ALL pan connoisseurs share the same emotion. Your view is somewhat self-centered, for all that seems to matter (to you) is your being entertained. When will we stop putting the "I" in pan, making it PAIN? If bad results were a factor in other industries, there would be no NBA, no NFL, no World Cup, nor any Miss Universe. Certainly, American Idol will not end because Simon misjudged Jennifer. Again, I say, fix what is wrong, and keep our cultural traditions. (Anyone remembers "Brassorama"? What happened to it? Why?) I would hope we look at less myopic options, for example, in the residual income that can be generated from royalties. Can you imagine, an old "panman", still getting paid every time they show an old Panorama clip, in which he performed. (It's called "doing something once, and getting paid over and over and over again. We need to develop better wealth-building skills, for the linear approach is the one that keeps people in poverty. I prefer the exponential approach, and would rather have my money work for me, than having to work for my money. I also do not like the idea of different venues (panyards), because, again, it does not provide an "equal playing field", due to the fact that there will be variations in the acoustics, from one location to another, and the scores will not be reliable. Further, most of the patrons who visit panyards, are supporters of that particular band, and, of course, there is going to be the bias issue. Now, as far as the smooth runnings, maybe we can look back at what was successful, because, believe it or not, Panorama used to be a "smooth-running" event, and this was in the "badjohn" days. Even when 10,000 patrons "stormed" Panorama, not one of them felt the force of a police baton. I am amazed at how many of you think that you can affect the future of pan, when you fail to have any knowledge of the past. (And I am not talking "who won in what year, and what was de tune".) If you ask me, self-proclaimed "experts", and not Panorama, is doing more to destroy the art form. And corporate greed is what is killing both the culture and the local player, moving him or her into extinction. So, let's just have the "educated", "elite" and social "class-climber" - the various POSSES- take it over, because, in reality, pan is still too BLACK, and still too LOWER CLASS/POOR, for the liking of many. I'm sorry, but I cannot drink the "kool-aid" you present, with respect. I cannot wait for this WST forum members, and the pan fraternity, as a whole, to really start looking at the sociology, rather than the musicology. We seem to be the ONLY musical "genre", that is yet to produce a Stevie Wonder, or a Bob Marley, or a John Lenon - people who knew their duty to fellowman was more important than their roles as musicians. Maybe, that is why they are renowned. Maybe that is why my dad got respect- from British Royalty to Pope. The "steelband movement" is not about the music, nor the one annual competition. I long for another LEADER to show up, one who understands that looking back, is just as important as looking forward, when one aims to be successful and relevant. One who has COURAGE to go against "popular opinion". Finally, I hope we can get off the "blame-Panorama bandwagon", and end the silly "panist or pannist" "mallet or pan stick" discussions, that have NOTHING to do with the progress and future of, again, not just the instrument, but, more importantly, the local pannist. (My spelling of choice.)
You see ROYALTY, Fink? Have ANY of you EVER been presented to ANY Royal Subject? Look at where the general public is, as they look on at a Trinidad and Tobago LEADER and his wife being presented to the QUEEN! That is why you all HATE so much; your parents NEVER did ANYTHING for our country, and were insignificant. And, like your parents, so are you! King? No; IDIOT! Now watch true royalty being presented to another true royal.
Ghost Who Was Born Into Royalty!
Ask Chalkdust; he knows. Without my grandfather, De Wilton Rogers, Hollis Liverpool would have been known in the calypso world by another sobriquet. Ask him, you big, old, fragile dummy! (Again, I respect NO ONE who does not respect me. Especially when they have NO royalty in their family like I do. Why not go read a book or something; it's never to late to raise your intellect, King Idiot. You don't know who you are messing with; you BETTER ask somebody!)