Keith Diaz did not personally negotiate with the NCC to cut the PAN PLAYERS PAY by $500. Instead he sent FORTEAU and two other of his servants to negotiate with KENNY and the NCC. But he gave them their marching orders to cut the payments by $500 to cover the $5 million that he had previously stolen and kept re-borrowing from the bank until THE PONZI ran out and the bank grabbed the first installment deposit from the NCC. Now, anybody in KEITH DIAZ situation would have done the same thing -- including me and bugs and patrick ramdoo. So it was a simple solution to have Peter pay for Paul and the PAN PLAYERS pay for ALL THE CORRUPTION.
But since KEITH DIAZ did not directly negotiate the deal -- you can't blame him. And his slate got wiped cleaned. SIMPLE!!!
Now comes time to address the PAN PLAYERS. Keith Diaz gets MICHAEL JOSEPH to write up a propaganda rag blaming THE NCC for the SHORT PAY -- a couple days before the scheduled meeting and posting it on the PAN TRINBAGO website to be picked up and disseminated by one and all.
Again the president kept his distance from the DIRT.
Now he has the meeting and he switches roles and he becomes the foil for DOCTOR DOLLY as he explains why money will be SHORT(ER) next year. The same DOCTOR DOLLY he was abusing just months ago. Clearly, they must have had their private meeting and come to terms. Because DOLLY had to agree to the SHORT PAY or else she would have stood her ground and made sure that the PAN PLAYERS got their $1000.00.
Right now KEITH DIAZ got a CLEAN SLATE with 95% of the STEELBANDS; and he is working with Doctor Dolly to have a SUCCESSFUL PANORAMA 2018 while reducing expenses. In a way he is GOING STRAIGHT since there is no more money to steal he might as well just HOLD ON TO THE POWER and SALARY and ALLOWANCES. Something about half a loaf being better than none.
So all who CANNOT put TWO AND TWO TOGETHER and realize that it eh have NO FORENSIC AUDIT COMING -- allyuh better check out the PAN TRINBAGO FACEBOOK PAGE and see who does be advertising on it.
Ah feel sorry for GREGORY LINDSAY with the CHECK MATE in TWO MOVES delusion.
I love the KEITH DIAZ POLITICS but I will always feel that I could TAKE HIM DOWN because I will resort to the BREITBART and BANNON style of politics and he EH READY for that LEVEL OF POLITICS YET.
Not my darlin Dr. D. she can't be in that, if she in that i will have to resign from C.I.P. how can i fight an angel face like that. lol. i rather fight with a lion than the Dr.