On last night's episode of NBC's THE SING-OFF, Afro-Blue became the most recent group to be eliminated from the competition. On numerous occasions these judges essentially said that this group, Afro Blue, was operating above their heads [the judges’] musically. And last night the female judge addmitted they may have confused the group.
The groups are competing for the grand prize of a Sony recording contract and $200,000 in cash.
Let's be clear - Afro Blue is a major talent. There are only a hand-full of people who can do what they can musically. So how are they not in the finals? It seems like Afro Blue got eliminated for following the judges’ directions - who openly admitted more than once they couldn't really judge them. Ah, meaning ‘your best is too good and progressive for the competition.’
In this regard there were many similarities to the Trinidad and Tobago panorama competition. If you've ever been eliminated from a panorama competition in the late rounds, you can relate to the pain and disappointment. Afro Blue must be a little confused as to did they ever really ever have a chance?
All the groups at this level are awesome, but it was Afro Blue more so than all the others that challenged the other groups, the audience and even the judges to grow musically.
There appear to be many things to be learned from this competition for future panorama competitions.
I also feel Afro Blue deserved better, they were spectacular! I'm glad they made it that far! Too bad they didn't win. But you gotta remember, it's all just show business! Plenty of talented people are being passed over by TV producers for "American Idol" during their preliminaries. People you'll never hear of, who never get to the finals.They will pick someone else who is, lets say, more "interesting", but not necessarily more talented, they want the show to have controversy, to make it more entertaining. "Sign off" is just another network TV program. I do see it having many comparisons to Panorama. Every Carnival you hear the same thing "Oh god boy! me band get robbed!" Phase II get robbed!" "dey rob we yes". I say once your band finishes in the top six in Panorama finals be happy! You could come 6th in Panorama and your bands performance was just as good as the others, especially in your own mind, because you know how hard you worked! So what's the difference you ask? The judges decision! Panorama big bands in some ways are like professional sports teams, there sponsored, therefore there sponsors such as WITCO, Petrotrin, Neal & Massey etc. want there bands to do well. Ha ha! you don't think there isn't some back room bartering's going on with the Panorama judges?! The judges, who many aren't qualified, and who are drinking rum and Scotch whisky and playing the "bigshot" while they judge the competition, are just people too, same as "Sign Off" judges, it's a human thing. "Panorama" may well be fixed, crooked and just another "Big show" that's part of T&T's Carnival, therefore it's entertainment! Panorama is hurting pan in many ways, it channels so much energy, money, resources and people to one "big show" with only one tune, to play in the "big yard" for victory! Yeh!!!! like the NFL's Superbowl. Panorama only benefits some, and just disappoints a whole lot of other people! People who spent hours and weeks working hard for victory when little did they know they weren't going to win, because it was already decided at some point what the outcome was gonna be!
After listening to Afro-Blue,I am trully at a loss as to why they did not make it to the final They are awesome. I totally agree with the similarity to panorama as it relate to the judging..The judges remarks are not consistent with their decision..
I totally agree that Afro Blue was raising the musical "IQ" of America.
There is a lot to be learned here in terms of marketing and production for a panorama. The quick turn around on having quality audio and video immediately after the show is exceptional.
Well said!!! I came to the same conclusion as they were put into the bottom 2 so many times when their performances were stellar. It didn't make since. Glad you noticed that Sara (one of the judges) admitted that they (the judges) probably confused them in their comments. That means the judges were not fair at all.
Pat S
Read Ben Folds explanation from his blog. This guy is just as bad as the panorama judges. His reasoning is really unacceptable. They thief Afro Blue. http://www.nbc.com/sing-off/exclusives/ben-folds/blog/2011/11/21/gr...
I totally agree with you Pat. Wouldn't it be educational if we could get panorama judges to explain their decisions live and on camera as we experience in this show?
Who do you think will win and why?
As much as I am critical of the negative Panorama effect on some areas of steelband development, there is no argument that the Panorama competition presents a framework that allows gifted arrangers and musicians to perform at their peak, even with the restrictions imposed by the judging criteria.
While talented individuals like Boogsie, Bradley, Jit, Smooth, etc. would still retain their genius and creativity without a Panorama type competition, it may be extremely difficult for the members of the typical Panorama size steelband to maintain their focus and energy to attain that high level demanded by the arrangers, without the lure of Panorama prestige and prize money.
Glen, panorama is an awesome cultural and musical phenomenon. What is unfortunate is the lack of a structure to fully take advantage of this movement on behalf of its participants.
Pan times that's a good question, I would say most arrangers do because they want their band to win. Ray Holman is the only arranger that do music how HE feels it should be done.