
IT was pure energy and vibes, reminiscent of a panyard judging event, as CAL Skiffle engaged in the production of an official Panorama video for Carib Brewery Ltd, at its Coffee Street, San Fernando, pan theatre.
Crowds gathered both inside and outside of the panyard to enjoy the live pan and brass music which has been absent for the past two years, as well as the latest 2022 soca offerings.
It was not an advertised event, but San Fernandians, starved for culture, observing activities in the panyard as they walked and drove by, stopped to listen and dance and view some traditional characters – including blue devils, fire breathers, pierrot grenade, moko-jumbies, and "Carib Bears" portray their respective roles.
Some people even went home to get their families and return. Soca artiste Ricardo Drue was also part of the promotion, waving flags and dancing with a pierrot grenade.
Stacey Ryan of Ross advertising which is handling the promotion, said Skiffle was contracted to produce the official Panorama video for Carib, which was recorded live in its panyard on January 29.
“This is a big year for Carib. Last year when we launched Hold On, we wanted to keep the spirit of Carnival alive, but we focused on the memories because we did not have the traditional Carnival.

“This year, because things are opening up a little bit, whilst people are still holding onto the traditional memories of Carnival, we wanted to bring the spirit of Carnival and keep that feeling alive. The campaign this year is based on three pillars – the fetes the mas and the pan.