Ah taking notes!!! Ah going and check my list (ah still have 27 names left) to see whose name to put up next. This thing starting to look like the last REPUBLICAN PRIMARY -- 17 men on the stage to run the whole of America. But we have 30-3 men on our stage line up to run LITTLE PAN TRINBAGO.
Sorry, what LITTLE. Ah forget that PAN TRINBAGO is the GLOBAL LEADER of PAN WORLDWIDE!!!
We want to know what players will get from panorama 2018?
Trust in Men like Chief Eyengunni is like putting a fox to guard the henhouse,...sooner or later, if you are not a smart bird,...then likely you will stewed in the pot or in the fox belly.....I good...my trust is GOD...not DisAss and the bunch of 40 men
Gregory: Yuh sounding real confident, boy; yuh have meh on the verge of throwing my crystal ball in the BAY. I rue the day when I will have to come on this forum and apologize to you and the CIP for misreading the power of the movement against THE RIGHT HONOURABLE KEITH DIAZ.
But if ah have to sink -- ah sinking on that KEITH DIAZ SHIP!!!
nothing lasts forever,....i called it out,...i stood up in defiance,...and I will continue in the breach to demand what is necessary for the movement of the management of change within the fraternity....
merrytonestothebone: Is the position CLEAR to you now???
Oh yes...Crystal clear Claude...Is just that I find that since they advocating a boycott over part payment of the Government stipend, and they want Diaz head for the missing $30 million, and the two cars and the International Conference debacle and the myriad of items, they must also add Pantrinbago's role in defrauding the GOTT by turning a blind eye to the skullduggery behind payment the said $1,000.00 they want to boycott for. From since the days of Arnim Smith, through, Owen Serrette and now Diaz panmen have mastered the art of cheating and skullduggery. I know I am a voice crying in the wilderness, but Diaz can't be wrong for some thing and not wrong for others, simply because one could benefit in some way.
The idea behind the $1,000.00, though quite noble has been basterdized and misused beyond reason. We all know that the payment is for ONE play for performing with ONE band. But some people love to play pan so much they will play with six and even more and Diaz and co. instead of finding a way to ensure that the noble tenets of competition are honoured (The rule was once that you could only PLAY with one band. It has since been altered to allow players to REGISTER with one band), they turn a blind eye to the fraud over the years as panists are allowed to use fictitious names in order to collect they $1,000.00 from bands other than the that one they had registered to perform with. And it's not that previous government were unaware, because Minister Gypsy during his tenure tried to make a stink over it, but to no avail.
So yes Claude I can see clearly now...it's just that I want to see Diaz and co. be hauled over hot coals for their part in aiding and abetting that fraud too.
The CIP represents OPPORTUNISTIC REACTION (yuh go make meh lose all meh friends now -- good thing I learn how to live with meh enemies). But for one reason or another, I really understand your DISGUST with your pet peeve (yuh make meh use ah Trinidad Expression). Yet, there are never ever ANY TAKERS on that subject on this FORUM. Because the thought that ANYTHING would UPSET DEY PANORAMA wipes the consideration from their minds.
Maybe we need ah kinda BILL COSBY or HARVEY WEINSTEIN moment where the country could wake up and say ENOUGH AH THE PANORAMA FRAUD and PAN MEN could COME OUT (no pun intended) and say: Yes! I play for SIX LARGE BANDS and we come FIRST, SECOND, THIRD, FOURTH, FIFTH and SIXTH.
Nah!!! Not when that is a MAJOR SOURCE OF FUNDS in this HARD TIME TRINIDAD.
Allow me a space to say this definitively......No Panorama 2018 under this Executive......if that cannot happen,...then simple...BOYCOTT PANORAMA.
I AM NOT going to take my players (stage-side & seasonal) and promise them hope,...and give them a bag of air at the end of the show 6---9 months later.. No Sah....As a old police,...you should know that is FRAUD....and I as custodian of my orchestra,,.....I not setting my community up for failure..
No funding is scheduled to come my way as we stand by our decision not to register for Panorama 2018, and the motion passed by Northern region PanTrinbago not to entertain any discussion to do anything to do with the national competition,...period unless at a very minimum all outstanding monies are fully remitted....
I hope our position is clearer to you now......As I type this not a note is struck across this republic in preparation for 2018..
Nationally and internationally, the power will and shall rest with the players....and if people feel that players are like a napkin, simply to be used and thrown away..THINK AGAIN......WST foreign family, watching hoping waiting to see if the show is on........to see if to buy their airfare....THINK AGAIN......Call PanTrinbago if yuh think I lying...Oh Shit..no...their phones dont work.....
Gregory...like Aquil...You are mistaking me for someone else...You and I both know that after years of misuse of the Government stipend, the shit had to hit the fan one day...And don't pretend yuh donlt know where I'm coming from...So let ALL panmen take some of the blame too nah?...
...and they also say boycott...and they also say they didn't say boycott...What to do now???...