Allyuh know that PAN TRINBAGO does get 10% of all monies that PASS THROUGH ... so I am sure that BEVERLEY held back $800,000 from the $8,000,000. So now ah have to ask: Whey that money gone? Did it go to TOBAGO too? $8000 from that could have paid for GREGORY LINDSAY STEELBAND to GO SOLAR. And still leave plenty to go towards the GUEST HOUSE that BEVERLEY building in TOBAGO.
TWO ACCOUNTANTS from TRINIDAD sit down in the PAN TRINBAGO OFFICE and watch $8,000,000 leave Trinidad and head for TOBAGO and they sign off on that -- I don't really believe this EIGHT MILLION DOLLAR STORY.
DEEP DOWN ah believe that BEVERLEY was just TALKING SHE BIG TALK since she doh really accomplish anything -- other than empty promises to PAN MEN -- and she was trying to impress GREGORY LINDSAY with an EMPTY BOAST.
PMF have to send an investigator to GOLDEN LANE to give an official report on THIS STORY -- because that is what it most likely is ... A POLITICAL STORY on false accomplishment!!!