
  • Well, BEVERLEY just TOO BACKWARD to realize it is better to MAKE FRIENDS than to MAKE ENEMIES in this INTERNET ERA. I was trying a BACKDOOR PROJECT with PAN TRINBAGO to put some MARKETING MONEY in their pocket. And when BEVERLEY found out that it was MY IDEA -- she NIX the PROJECT.

    Well what she DOH KNOW is that TOBAGO BAD MIND eh have as bad as TRINIDAD BAD MIND (just look at we CRIME RATE) -- so ah gone back and listening to the advice from my ENGLISH GIRLFRIEND and BE TRUE TO MY CANTANKEROUS EMM-EFF SELF!!!

    What a SHAME!!!

  • But serioulsy, bugs!!! I read all of your postings on THIS FORUM and you and WHEN STEEL TALKS are HIGHLY EDUCATED when it comes to PAN MUSIC. So I think that you should try to reach out to the TRINIDAD PAN COMMUNITY and share some of your ideas with them in terms of GLOBALIZING STEELDRUM MUSIC.

    For example, here is a statement you made: "Given the advancements in robotics and wireless remote control, this problem could be easily solved with motorized dampers that are synced through computer control."

    Now, you should be able to make contact with PAN TRINBAGO and set up some kind of meeting with BEVERLEY and MARCUS to pursue this agenda.

    The first thing they will have to do is to hire an ERO with a TECHNICAL BACKGROUND who could use the PAN TRINBAGO PLATFORM to reach out to the TOP TECHNICAL INSTITUTIONS around the world to participate in this SCIENTIFIC PROJECT with THE PAN. JOHANN CHUCKAREE seems like the PERFECT CANDIDATE for that ERO JOB because he has the COMPLETE PACKAGE to advance THIS PROGRAM.

    If they could rise above the PETTY LOCAL POLITICS and realize that there are HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF EXPATS out there who could make MAJOR CONTRIBUTIONS to THE PAN CAUSE -- PAN PROGRESS COULD REALLY BEGIN TO HAPPEN.

    BEVERLEY boasting that for the FIRST TIME IN HISTORY Pan Trinbago was able to broadcast PANORAMA  Pay-per-view and make A PROFIT. But did she take a minute to try to understand WHO contributed to the VIEWERSHIP and how she could cultivate that crop?

    No!!! She cannot see outside of the 1981 square miles -- so people like YOU and WHEN STEEL TALKS and the 700,000 EXPATS around who should have a voice with their ideas and GLOBAL VISION... they are seen as THREATS to HER POWER BASE. And any contribution from them is NIPPED IN THE BUD.

    But I will still advise you to contact them and see if you could BREAK THROUGH with your ideas -- despite the BACKWARDNESS.


    • Dr. Dawn Batson would be the best choice for ERO. She is a brilliant woman. But I fear being associated with Pan Trinbago would damage her reputation.


    • Claude anyone of them little children can program sustain on - sustain off with the slight movement of ones eyebrow through their AppleWatch. If Pan Trinbago doesn't know any of these young people personally, this is why they are dead on arrival as an organization. Ironically, this is sort of innovation Bertie Marshal and Anthony Williams would have already created if they were teenagers operating in 2019.

      In spite of your cantankerous ways towards The Bev, she could be a very good leader if she listened to you every now and then.  If she studied life and works of George Goddard she could be a great PAN leader. But I don't think this is her real agenda.


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