There were 10 BANDS in THE FINALS. Am I to understand that some players played for RENEGADES and then they went and CHANGE CLOTHES and played for maybe SKIFFLE or PHASE II or INVADERS or ALL STARS or SUPERNOVAS or EXODUS or STARLIFT or SILVER STARS or DESPERADOES?
Or that by the time EXODUS and DESPERADOES and INVADERS were getting ready to perform that some of the players had already played for ONE or TWO or THREE or FOUR of the previous bands IN THIS SAME COMPETITION?
I try to understand the nature of the UNIVERSE but like this harder to understand than that!!! I am more likely to believe in RUSSIAN COLLUSION than this PANORAMA COLLUSION.
So if a player happened to play for RENEGADES and SKIFFLE -- as soon as he hear them announce SKIFFLE in second place, he run by RENEGADES and start JUMPING UP CELEBRATING the VICTORY over HIMSELF?
Nah, merrytonestothebone!!! Yuh go have to give SOME PROOF on this one!!! Ah does swallow plenty CONSPIRACY THEORIES and ah does even make up my own (especially about CRIME in TRINIDAD) but I cannot BUY THIS STORY from you!!!
This Is why I make few comments on the subject of the state of Pan Trinbago , because all I hear is talk of money , corruption of current executives , and how best to fire and replace them.
All that is fine, but one seem to be providing ideas as to where we go from here ; and a simple problem of maintaining the integrity of the panorama competition is a case in point.
In my opinion , whoever leads PT in the future would need to have a meaningful agenda for the organization , which would mean work and planning.
Would it be too much to ask those seeking to lead the organization to provide a briefing of their ideas and plans for the direction and future of the organization and the art-form in T&T ,.or will we be just re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic ?
Agreed, what will be different going forward, if the players change but the game remains the same.
Do the panorama competition rules prohibit panist from performing for more than one band?
4.2. Registration of players
4.2.1 Every steelband registered and participating in the Panorama is required to submit to the Panorama Management Committee the list of names of all their players who would be performing in the competition on or before the date of their first performance.
4.3. (i) Registration Fee – The registration fee shall be the sum of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for all local players. (ii) All Non-nationals of Trinidad and Tobago before performing at the National Panorama with any steelband/steel orchestra, shall pay a due of one hundred United States dollars ($100.00 US) to the association, for temporary membership for one (1) year, in accordance with Pan Trinbago’s Constitution Bye-Laws.
4.4 Entitlement of Registration
(a) Only players who are registered with Pan Trinbago shall be authorised to perform in the competition
(b) Players shall be authorised to perform with only one (1) steelband in the competition
(c) A Performance fee of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) shall be payable to performers who have been certified as having performed at the Preliminary round.
(d) A Performance fee of three hundred dollars ($300.00) shall be payable to players who have been certified as having performed at the Semi-Final round.
Conversely, it stands to reason that if the participants were duly paid proper and better performance remittance, maybe the rules could be better regulated. This should function better than a hustle to sneak and band-hop bypass and skirt the rules, pan deserves better, n'est-ce-pas?
Just Sayin'
Andre...Did you make a mistake when you highlighted rule 4.4 (b)?...Shouldn't it have read...(b) Players shall be authorised to perform with one (1) steelband in each division of the competition....?
Actually I was quoting directly from the published rules for the Panorama Competition :
4.4 (b) Players shall be authorised to perform with only one (1) steelband in the competition.
I myself know quite a few such panist who play with multiple bands, because 1 they are that skilled and 2, because they want/need to earn more. They tell me that "everyone" is aware of them flaunting the rules, but no one regulates to enforce it.
There you have it...This is Trinidad bro...Anything goes here...
Indeed. I will try to find the link, but I recall an interview on PBS (?) where a US career diplomat, near the end, who worked in the State Department stationed all-over the world. He was asked what he thought was his favourite and most democratic place he had worked. He responded, "T&T". The host was somewhat taken aback and responded, "really, not the USA". He said, "The people of T&T lime and party like no others. And they are the freest-minded people in the world. Anything goes there, sometimes borderline illicit, but it goes on as long as one gets away with it." The host pressed for more, "you mean illegal activities". He responded diplomatically, "that's all I am going to say on that subject, I've said enough". I smiled when I heard all of that. We Like It So, We Freeeee...
What we seldom acknowledge, however, is that everything ‘free’ has a cost.
The tooth paste is outta the tube there is no way to put it back in, they can't stop players from band hopping, they are looking to make some money for their skills.
Cecil...As a parent I know that it is bad parenting to make silly excuses for your children's transgressions...If dragged before a court for their actions, they can't simply say they didn't know...Ignorance of the law is no excuse...
Okay, merrytonestothebone, let us get down to the NUTS and BOLTS.
Would you say that ALL TEN BANDS (Large Band Category) used DUPLICATE PLAYERS?
And how many players were used by the GUILTY BANDS on average?
Can your observations be substantiated with sufficient numbers to MAKE AN ISSUE out of the FRAUD?
Do you have a threshold or is this a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY?