... pelt ah set ah BIG STONE at PANORAMA MUSIC and NOBODY eh challenge THE WOMAN and put she in she place.

I envy that ALEXICA Lxc ADAMS woman, ah wish ah coulda go and SHAKE SHE HAN ....

Just when odw and dem push me down in ah PAN PRECIPICE -- this woman come and throw down ah piece ah rope AND PULL ME OUT.

Ah really did not intend to spur ALL THIS BACCHANAL -- ah was just DEFENDING my LONG EXPRESSED VIEWS on PANORAMA MUSIC ... and out of the BLUE came ALEXICA and handed down some FORMAL ARGUMENTS that I chose to use IN MY DEFENSE.

Ah hope people OPEN MINDED enough to understand the sequence of events -- but then again PAN PEOPLE is ah set ah OVER ZEALOUS people ... so ah might still get blame!!!

But all the LICKS I take on THIS TOPIC for so many years -- ah had to GRAB THAT PIECE OF ROPE from ALEXICA!!!

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