I see them asking the for a percentage of the bands prize money to cover legal fees and destroying any perceive threat to their rule, crash any attempts at unionization. Ask de Photo he knows about divide and rule. Pan people struggle continues, no representation just exploitation.
Keith Diaz has the leadership and care of the ailing steelband movement in his hands and all he can think of doing is lining his pocket. Dr. Kim Johnson
Cecil: merrytonestothebone told you weeks ago this is a fight between TWO LOVERS. From now on I eh arguing with merrytonestothebone anymore. Once he say something -- I accepting that!
That man living in GROUND ZERO and once you leave the border yuh eh got no idea about what is cooking in the pot!
and the show goes on
boring and still next year this time we asking for pan players $$$
actually it is time to change the vehicle models
Deja Vu !!! ..??
We will hope that "court effect" will not again tie up any general elections of the organiation.
What is Pan Trinbago role in 2017 panorama?
I see them asking the for a percentage of the bands prize money to cover legal fees and destroying any perceive threat to their rule, crash any attempts at unionization. Ask de Photo he knows about divide and rule. Pan people struggle continues, no representation just exploitation.
Keith Diaz has the leadership and care of the ailing steelband movement in his hands and all he can think of doing is lining his pocket. Dr. Kim Johnson
"Role"??? More like roll-over and play dead, to catch corbeaux alive...
Focus, Do Something For Pan... Form a Pan Union
Cecil: merrytonestothebone told you weeks ago this is a fight between TWO LOVERS. From now on I eh arguing with merrytonestothebone anymore. Once he say something -- I accepting that!
That man living in GROUND ZERO and once you leave the border yuh eh got no idea about what is cooking in the pot!
Claude...take it from me meh brother...."Hell hath no fury like a V.P. scorned"...
Merrytones. My movie was going to be a thriller, with high drama. Now you're trying to make it into a love affair gone bad.
Bugs, as far as I see things here this fight is between Serrette and Diaz, no one using Pantrinbago lawyers here. let then get their own lawyers.