Doctor Dolly will give KEITH DIAZ and PAN TRINBAGO 21 MILLION$$$ to produce the PANORAMA.



On the other side of the coin, GREGORY LINDSAY assured us on THIS FORUM that there will be NO PANORAMA 2018 under the KEITH DIAZ EXECUTIVE.

After Sunday Night the water in the MUDDY POND and the water under the bridge might seem a bit clearer.

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  • Comrade Gregory, I just did like SINGING SANDRA boss and LAY DOWN THE CONDITION ,,, "under the KEITH DIAZ EXECUTIVE."

    Allyuh sounding REAL CONFIDENT!!! If you pull of that COUP is real BACCHANAL then because me and Ingrid coming down to vote for you FOR PRESIDENT and ah lot ah people thought DEM was going to be the next PRESIDENT after you did ALL THE HEAVY LIFTING.

    • Claude, I'm sitting here laughing my head off.

      I just feel that too much has happened and Pan Trinbago are not acting in the best interests of pan and have lost the confidence of its members.  I'm actually going to Trinidad next year for Carnival so the outcome of Sunday's AGM is very important to me.

      Although I don't say a lot of the forum, I do read all your comments and you definitively know your Trinidad politics.

  • A good opportunity for the CIP to show their stuff.

  • Comrade Claude

    The news is out their this appears on today Guardian... On the ground there are whispers of a motion being moved from the floor to remove the current executive, to be replaced by an interim committee to produce the 2018 National Panorama competition and run the organizations affair until its elections of officers is held.or

    Also too....allow me to correct you as well I said that there will be No Panorama 2018...UNDER THIS EXECUTIVE..on this forum....Please be guided accordingly
    ..Many many thanks
    • Gregory.  I hope all goes well at the AGM ... wish I could be a fly on the wall of that meeting.  Pan Trinbago have relied on Government monies for far too long and should be self sufficient by now!

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