The man come on THIS FORUM kissing up to BEVERLEY hoping that she will throw him ah little bone or something and everybody praising the man for LOWERING HIS POLITICAL STANDARD like that.
I stand with DUPRES and AMAR and VALENTINE!!! The PAN MEN reject you and they pick BEVERLEY -- turn yuh back on the PAN MEN and BEVERLEY and leave them right dey.
But I know BEVERLEY, she eh giving AQUIL no WUK; she is a paranoid leader who will never trust anybody from an opposing team.
Keith Diaz calling the shots anyway -- and he stacking the management with HIS TEAM.
And since AQUIL run for VICE PRESIDENT and loss, he could take the THREE PEOPLE that vote for him and form a little organization and DO SOMETHING FOR PAN. Yuh doh have to be on THE PAN TRINBAGO PAYROLL and have A TITLE do contribute to PAN PROGRESS.
That also goes for all the posters who come on THIS FORUM to swear how much they LOVE PAN, but I don't see nobody lifting a FINGER to position TRINIDAD in a better lane to fight the AMERICAN TAKEOVER of the INSTRUMENT.
Claude: Too little, too late from Trinbagonians as the American takeover is already here. It's a shame because the previous pan men and women went through hell and high water to make pan survive so it is up to the current pan player to make it strive but the locals do not care enough about pan to make it progress. All I am hearing is a lot of talk but no definitive action.