I barely made it staying up to hear SKIFFLE and then I turned off the show because I could not listen to two more losing bands.

After the SEMIS, Beverley boasted about her efficient crew moving the BANDS --  taking credit for her management skills. But last night was pure torture for everybody. I am sure that she will stay silent on that MESS UP.

How long did the show last? About NINE HOURS?

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  • Claude,
    I had some difficulty following up. I was up at 400am and was told the results came out about half an hour b4. The show started at 700pm and after the speech, the best thought they had was to have to move the pans to accommodate a dance routine b4 the medium bands started. I just chuckled and walked away from my tv set.
    There was a little confusion part for me becuz TTT streaming at my sister's house in T&T was off from the streaming at my home in Florida. That just made me stick to the YouTube TTT streaming that I got on my phone.

    Brenda H.
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