PAN PLAYERS and the STEELBAND MOVEMENT would have been better served with a LAWFORD DUPRES victory because THE PLAYERS would have been paid by FRIDAY and the THE FULL SUPPORT of the GOVERNMENT and the BUSINESS COMMUNITY would have been pouring in from DAY ONE.
Now, you have a PRESIDENT who is giving the NCC and the GOVERNMENT a BIG HEADACHE from Sunday night; they have to keep her on a TIGHT LEASH and that means LIMITED FUNDING and SPARSE SUPPORT.
It just seems that whatever ROAD PAN TAKES in TRINIDAD -- it just cannot find the right road TO PROGRESS.
And with all this BACKLASH on the LOCAL, how are they even going to THINK GLOBAL.
Claude: you need to give the new team a chance. The fact that the pan players are still owed money doesn't seem to phase anyone, especially pan players and the new board know that pan players will play with or without getting paid because they love pan so much. However, as I have said before, pan players do not know their worth so let's see that happens, ie. THEY control whether or not Panorama 2019 takes place ... no-one else.