Bryon Serrette burst on the ANTI-DIAZ scene with a massive media blitz promising a BOOK OF REVELATION on the CORRUPT PRACTICES of FORTEAU and DIAZ in PAN TRINBAGO. And then the man just disappear from the scene like JIMMY HOFFA. But I think that he is a smart fellah to GO SILENT because with all the crime in Trinidad -- fighting Keith Diaz is a dangerous proposition hazardous to your mind and body and life.
Just look at Beverley Ramsey-Moore!!! She thought that she was living in a Democratic Country so she oppose not only Keith Diaz, but the RULING PARTY also. Next thing yuh know they send one ah dey goons with a gun to break in the woman house and hold the woman and she husband hostage for more than an hour (which bandit does spend more than ah hour in ah house?) terrorizing the woman and she man for "political crimes" under the pretense of banditry. Well you could fool some of the people some of the time but there will always be a few who know better. The "bandit thing" was just MEDIA FLUFF.
So Bryon Serrete survey the scene and decide that he want to live more than to expose CORRUPTION in PAN TRINBAGO so he GONE SILENT.
Now my pardner Aquil Arrindell and his pardner Gregory Lindsay are yet to realize how desperate and violent these leaders are today. So I am urging them to just leave KEITH DIAZ and he PARTY alone if they want to LIVE A LONG LIFE. Aquil especially should stick to the PAN and try to make it on the INTERNATIONAL SCENE. But he need to focus on COMPOSITION. He should come to AMERICA or go to GERMANY and study some serious COMPOSITION and bury dem PAN TRINBAGO AMBITIONS.
Ah know that Beverley is so intimidated now that she scared to even sleep in she own bedroom. But in today's world yuh doh have to fight out in the open anymore yuh know Beverley. WE could put a clandestine little group together and launch a CYBER WAR against them and send them to the graveyard just like Hillary. Because I know that they fraid that too bad and they are TOTALLY DEFENSELESS against it!!!
Introduction of a MInimum 15 players Registration Listing at Registration,....Submission of delegates to AGM deadline ended today....Zero tolerance..Enforcement of Meeting Standing Orders in full effect...
A very well respected band leader with whom I share very good relations with seems to have been mistakenly traded his normal affluent brillance in for bullshit today,....when he asked me to relay to my colleague Aquil Arrindell, Chairman CIP, that"to not put his name on the Social Media,"...and that further to that, with threatening firm intonation, to relay that "tell him I could go down to San Fernando to let him know myself..."
As-salamu alaykum to my brother who seems to be preoccupied with the security of H.E.The President, that of his officers,covering up his stewardship of malfeasance, and hoping that he is boldface enough to openly silence his harshest critics outside the President's office....while the auditors figure out on the 2nd floor above the HQ parlor, how again best to misrepresent our constituency of this movement yet again.
Bully tactics not going to work anymore, security boss, .we too far along for that now, for no weapon formed against shall prosper.
Looking forward to seeing you for sure, security boss at the University of Docksford Campus @ SWWTU along with Boss and his merry men..In Sha Allah