Ah MINISTER pay an employee $150,000 for a little bit of sexual harassment and he get fired (ah better put ah "*" by that). Doctor Dolly give PAN TRINBAGO well over $20,000,000 and dem fellahs TIEF all the money -- and DOCTOR DOLLY eh get RESHUFFLE or FIRED.

Dey so busy following AMERICA with this SEXUAL HARASSMENT and LGBT and SAFETY BELT stupidness and anybody could ROB and MURDER and KIDNAP and KILL EXPATS and leave LAVENTILLE and go down CENTRAL and kill and rape and kidnap who they want -- AND NO POLICE EH SEE NUTTEN. And dey still locking up man for ah marijuana joint or saying F-CK!!! But they cannot even run ah audit on DIAZ and FORTEAU and JOSEPH after dem fellahs TIEF almost FORTY MILLION DOLLARS.

She cannot STEP UP and show some ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS in the middle of all this BACCHANAL.

Oh, ah forget!!! PAN TRINBAGO controls 350,000 votes and 2020 right around the corner!!!

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  • Who is going to put an end to the games Mr Diaz play?

  • Ah tell yuh "De ting now start ".

  • OSWALD ALEXANDER: Yuh see when the CARDS FALL is all OLE TALK from TOP TO BOTTOM!!!!

    • Round de whappie table,while some ole talking and some arguing.....

      Somebody shuffling de pack!

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