I read all these discussions about the acoustic pan and the electronic pan and pan on the road for carnival -- but I never see any discussions about PAN MUSIC. We have tuners and arrangers and composers and music graduates and professors at every level. But I am still waiting to hear some (not some -- ONE PIECE at least) pan music that meets MAINSTREAM QUALITY.
Thousands of players across Trinidad and America and parts of Europe ... SOMEBODY, please put up a nice piece of PAN MUSIC acoustic or electronic -- I don't care.
So where's the answer this agent promised you guys? Using me as an excuse? Okay. Hoping you guys forget his promise to answer in detail? Okay. I gave him what he claims was holding him back, so now you all should be expecting him to keep his promise soon. (I wouldn't hold my breath.) I told him be careful of the web he spins; his contemptuous comments against the instrument, the steelbands, and their members, were happening long before any Ghost started "haunting" him. Thing is, his words are going to do even more "haunting", than this ghost can ever do. BTW - His "coded" words also reveal his contempt for those he considers PNMites, and coincedentally, it's the same Black people. His "gimme gimme" gang. Such a elitist loser! More than three pans playing together is noise, my Blackberry! (Oops, sorry. I forgot. This is a forum for political correctness. I take back "berry", and replace with "ass", a word in the Bible. lol.)
Ghost Who Has NO Respect For ANYONE Who Disrespects My Culture, And People Who Look Like Me, i.e. Black, "Negro" or African!
I will tell you straight out... I agree that there have been complete rip-offs of TnT culture, or of soca and calypso music. Hot Hot Hot and Doggie are prime examples of copycats without proper acknowledgement of the roots. But I agree with Glenroy and the others... I'm disappointed in your suggestions about Andy.
I feel that you (Claude) have a feeling about TnT artists not making the big pushes to popularize the music... Arrow was from Montserrat, Belafonte an American born to Jamaican and Martiniquan (?) parents. They were embraced globally, and sold lots of music... even though Trinbagonians feel that calypso was for us to bring that kind of success. I think they helped raise the visibility of calypso without hurting TnT, though most Americans were only aware of Belafonte as if he invented the style (which I think he's an acknowledged pioneer). Yes, TnT has had their messengers, but none that reached such acclaim in comparison. That ship has sailed, and so now what about pan?
I think it's become well documented that TnT is the birthplace of pan, the instrument, the band and the music. I think it is relatively safe, as long as the uneducated are made aware of their origin to correct their assumptions.
Pan's biggest threat of rip-off is the computer.
But yes, many of us will respond to (and be offended by) what is being said. I disagree that you start a topic innocently as "Where is the pan music?" only to take shots at people who play the music, arrange the music, teach the music, live the music. I am curious to find out where you were heading with all of this. If this was a conversation intended just for you and the Ghost, maybe it should have been private... it sure seemed like you were inviting the community to direct you to where the music was. Are you simply trying to say you are pushing for the prosperity ot Trinbago pannists?
Come on, Corey! The discussion keeps moving. That particular post was addressed specifically to the GHOST. Not the entire conversation. So tell me: What are my suggestions about Andy that you are disappointed with?
It's difficult for me to follow... one time you bunch him up with copycats, next time he's a sort of virtuoso.
I'm trying to figure it out, and it see if it is about TnT lifting up TnT. It is even okay if one likes one person's musical style over another one... we all do things different. Those of us not born and raised in TnT may be missing something in our talent from the ones that were raised in it. I'm not good like Greenidge, Boogsie or Narell on the double second... they all bring something different. I would love to be a little bit like each of them when I play.
I WOULD LIKE TO SEE MORE TNT PANNISTS MAKE IT BIG! If this is your message, I agree with you... TNT artists in acting, fashion, music, writing... they have a distinct spice!
The way I read it, there seemed some malice in what you were saying about things. Truth as I see it is that Andy Narell has brought music and education to TnT, promoted the music globally, teaches about TnT in his work abroad, and is able to mentor many here about how best to market our music, now that technology is within our reach to do our own recording. His only shortcoming is that he can't be preferred by everyone... people have different taste.
Watch the commotion I cause here... I love bake and shark, but I HATE callaloo. I told it so right to the dish... it will never be as good as bake and shark! It's true!
But lotsa people LOVE callaloo. They can have my helping at the buffet table.
When and where did I bunch up with the copycats?
Here is my email address: realtyeyes@hotmail.com ... send me an email.
In one reply, mixed in with the list of people whom may be argued are copycats:
In another reply, where it appears your passionate stance is about TnT artists:
This is how I'm connecting the dots, and trying to understand what is going on. But from the top quote, your implication is clear, and it's clear that many of us don't feel Andy Narell's name belongs in the top list where you put him.
If you want to see TnT artists finding the success, surely there is a way to help them climb without dragging someone else down, especially a person who has given of himself to TnT.
Drop me an email... you should already have me in your inbox from before. Maybe I'm not getting it, and should just let things play out here.
WOW!!! I never expressed an opinion on the list ... I think you got mislead by Glenroy's comment.
Okay, that is fair. It is easy for us to send and receive mixed messages in writing, when we should be able to make the world really tiny and hangout and have a time in person... we would all be easier to understand.
You are my new BFF on the forum; so it is important that we stay on the same page. After the GHOST comes and replies with his over-extended, irrelevant, verbosity -- I will explain my purpose of the list.
At least I learned a new abbreviation BFF means "best friend forever" I like that