
  • Pal, i am extremely up set for that.

    i ain't get vex so in a long time.

    Children worked hard for months just to get five mins of fame.

    i say no more for now, other than, merrytones you is a boss, and when can i get some lessons? 

    • I've been checking the Soundcloud link regularly...they only put up the elite bands...very disappointing...You don't need any lessons from me is a boss too...San City was quite good this year...

  • Mr. merrytonestothebone, have you not closely examined he name of the schools that make up the band you support?

    That is my band too! LOL

    • lol...good one bro...ah take a lil while to catch on too...

  • I thought the same thing yesterday.

  • Thank you merrytonestothebone, it's a joint effort.

    2018 Junior/Schools Panorama Finalists Set for February 4 Competiti...

    "Pan Trinbago (Youth Arm) in collaboration with Trinidad & Tobago’s Ministry of Education will co-host the National Schools Panorama Finals at the Queen’s Park Savannah in Port-of-Spain, on Sunday 4 February 2018. Starting time is 9:00 a.m. and entry is free."

    • Ey congrats Russell...yuh School beat meh by 2 points...We (Providence/QRC) had a good run...I can't complain...

  • I would also like to know....where is the support

  • Allyuh really LOVE PAN, boy!!! After RENEGADES and ALL STARS and PHASE II and SKIFFLE -- I done!!! Ah cyar even make it through the next SIX LARGE BANDS in the PANORAMA. 

    MEDIUM/SMALL/SINGLE is way too much for me. And now allyuh talking JUNIOR PANORAMA!!! Ah cyar make with that one! But I think they should find a way to spread these competitions over the entire year; is TOO MUCH PAN cramped into SIX WEEKS!!!

    bugs: Ah get ah BRADY CONCUSSION last night and I about to get a DUVONE CONCUSSION on Saturday Night and ah hoping that CHALKDUST doh win ah next crown in SUNDAY NIGHT to make my CTE worse ... well at least the WINTER OLYMPICS is just a VISUAL SPECTACLE so I could ROCK BACK with that!!!

    • Claude 

      Only sack Brady once! Come on.  That man is a known cheater. 



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