Now these PRICES is ALL from the OFFICIAL SOURCES, EH!!!
National Panorama Medium & Large Semi Finals – Sunday February 17, 2019
Carnival City, Queen’s Park Savannah, Port of SpainTime: 1:00 pm
Grand Stand General : $300|
North Park Covered: $400
North Park Grounds: $350
National Panorama Medium & Large Finals – Saturday March 02, 2019
Carnival City, Queen’s Park Savannah, Port of Spain
Time: 7:00 pm
Grand Stand General: $400
Grand Stand Reserved: $700
Grand Stand Special Reserved: $850
North Park: $300. (coolers allowed)
The multi-event layout [THE NORTH PARK], which will replace the North Stand structure at the Queen’s Park Savannah at next year’s Carnival celebrations, will cost about $2.3 million, half of the $4 million-plus spent on the North Stand, Gypsy said yesterday.
It will have a capacity for between 25,000 to 38,000 people and will be able to securely accommodate 5,000 cars. It will be a permanent structure.
Now after THE PANORAMAS (semis and finals) was over, both BEVERLEY and GYPSY went to the media and announced a FINANCIAL SUCCESS -- The best PANORAMA CROWDS in the HISTORY OF PANORAMA.
So if you estimate a COMBINED GROSS (TWO EVENTS) of about TWENTY FIVE MILLION -- yuh eh start to COUNT MONEY YET. But I am willing to accept the LOW END of $25,000,000!!!
And then I subtract the 2.3 MIL for the construction of the NORTH PARK and another 7.7 MIL for production costs. Now GYPSY has $15,000,000 to split up between THE NCC and PAN TRINBAGO.
Well, since this is a PAN TRINBAGO EVENT -- I am letting GYPSY keep FIVE MILLION and give 10 MILLION to Beverley. It is ONLY FAIR!!! And then BEVERLEY could keep FIVE MILLION for PAN TRINBAGO and take the NEXT FIVE MILLION and PAY THE PAN PLAYERS.
So when this money share, if I see BEVERLEY getting a cheque for anything less than $10,000,000$$$ -- ah calling for a NEXT FORENSIC AUDIT. Although BEVERLEY refuse to release the last one done on DIAZ and FORTEAU and JOSEPH and SHEPPARD.
Please note that I stand to be corrected!!! If BEVERLEY or DOLLY or GYPSY or COLIN LUCAS disagrees with these speculative projections -- I invite them to come on THIS FORUM and share the AUDITED MUMBERS with us!!!
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