It is six months later and that jokey organization Pan Trinbago has not paid the players yet for a competition it claimed it ran.
In the future Pan Trinbago should put out a disclaimer letting the players know in advance they will not be paid. That way the young people won't be asking every week what's going on with their money.
Don't promise what you can't deliver or never intended to pay.
It is time for the young people to get together and put an organization that will protect you as players. Clearly, the bands are in cahoots with Pan Trinbago.
Players you get burn one time, shame on them. You get burn two times shame on you.
Like Rihanna said "pay me what you owe me."
Bugs: Money is scarce in TRINBAGO right now. As we speak Colm Imbert is in America trying to borrow ONE BILLION US to take back home to run things. Having borrowed TT$3.1 billion from local banks and drawn down TT$2.5 billion from the Heritage and Stabilisation Fund (HSF), Finance Minister Colm Imbert is now traveling overseas to borrow US$1 billion on the international financial market.
If he gets the money, I am sure that Rowley will give Diaz some of that money to pay the PAN YOUNG PEOPLE.
Wha yuh hurry for/yuh getting taxi in front yuh door!!!
Diaz has already collected 25 million,230000.html
How is it possible that everyone has already been paid but the players out of that 25 million.
Even Al Capone and those fellas paid their deaths on time.
Is this a new kind of gangsta?
How do you hold a competition without having the players monies secure?
Any player who has not been paid as yet should move to another band and try to remove that "fool" tag from their back.
Bugs: I have a little arithmetic problem with this issue. I read somewhere that there were 10,000 players in Panorama. Each player gets $1000 for their performance. So when I add three zeroes to four zeroes I end up with seven zeroes -- $10,000,000.
Now, Diaz said that Rowley owes him $5,000,000 -- so how does he plan to pay a $10,000,000 million debt with $5,000,000? Or has he already paid 5000 players? And how did he decide who should get paid and who should wait.
I think it is time Mr. Diaz comes on this forum (or sends the usual surrogates) and explain this whole "CASE OF THE MISSING FIVE MILLION."
So Claude are you insinuating that the fearless leader of Pan Trinbago, is trying to mamaguy us?
Dem fellas at Pan Trinbago using a special kind of new math that is only taught at gangsta university.
I too look forward to their explanation.
Bugs: I found the article which stated that there were 10,000 players in Panorama 2016!,222194.html
Thanks Claude. You are a top notch investigator. You are just a step below Sherlock Holmes.
This calls for a new thread.
I guess they do things backasswards.
It would not surprise me if Pan Trinbago dont get 1 cent more from Rowley. So what, dem go just sit on ah bench outside dey office and wait fuh handouts in deeze times? Everybody getting dey quota cut. Now is times to use yuh head an come up wid something, if yuh have any head.
But Bertel, Diaz and dem using dey head better than you and me. Dey have big office and big salary coming in every month and big budgets to raid around carnival time and on top of that they get to sit down outside dey office and wait fuh extra handouts from sponsors and foreign governments. And when election time come they could use brute force and threats to win and stay in power for the next 20 years. Dat sounds like using yuh head to me. And all dem apartment building Diaz build with PANTRINBAGO money and collecting big rents -- yuh have to use yuh head to get ahead like dat.
Dat is using yuh Hand not yuh Head.