"Three days after devasting floods wreaked havoc across the country, President Paula-Mae Weekes has responded, saying she has been observing the unfolding events with "mounting horror and grave concern."
Ah wonder where THIS PRESIDENT was for the LAST FIFTY YEARS?
Ah real wish ah coulda go back to TRINIDAD and LIVE!!! Is decades now dem people in CENTRAL GETTING FLOODED out (and nobody din care -- all of ah sudden EVERYBODY calling FLOOD ah NATIONAL DISASTER) so it eh NO BIG DEAL FOR THEM.
Ah woulda love to be in that CARD GAME -- FLOOD OR NO FLOOD!!!
Newsday 10.23.2018
"Three days after devasting floods wreaked havoc across the country, President Paula-Mae Weekes has responded, saying she has been observing the unfolding events with "mounting horror and grave concern."
Ah wonder where THIS PRESIDENT was for the LAST FIFTY YEARS?
Ah real wish ah coulda go back to TRINIDAD and LIVE!!! Is decades now dem people in CENTRAL GETTING FLOODED out (and nobody din care -- all of ah sudden EVERYBODY calling FLOOD ah NATIONAL DISASTER) so it eh NO BIG DEAL FOR THEM.
Ah woulda love to be in that CARD GAME -- FLOOD OR NO FLOOD!!!