Now GREGORY LINDSAY used to be one of the most devoted and activist  PAN ADVOCATES in the entire world. But, today, GREGORY LINDSAY is one of the staunchest supporters of a WANNABE POLITICIAN who has hijacked PAN TRINBAGO to further her personal POLITICAL AGENDA.

Gregory Lindsay (in  a very recent post) referred to PAN TRINBAGO as "my executive" you do not have to be a grandson of SIGMUND FREUD to tell how far up his head is. And if a distinguished and privileged LIFE TIME PAN SUPPORTER (who grew up in TOWN) has fallen for this BEVERLEY POLITICAL DECEPTION -- heaven help the ORDINARY PAN MAN.


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  • Cecil Hinkson: Did you write this?

    "THE STEELBAND MOVEMENT NEEDS GOOD LEADERSHIP or they will remain struggling."

    Cecil: After you work so hard to put BEVERLEY in office with allyuh "WOMAN IS BOSS" campaign slogan ... how yuh could write something like that 10 months later.

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