Sonatas’ 2011 Band Launch - Good Pan Music for All
New York, USA - This New York Pan season has seen a bumper crop of steelpan events including several ‘band launches’ - more so than in past years. D’Radoes, Harmony, New York Pan Stars, Despers USA, CASYM, ADLIB all got their launches done by the second weekend of August. The turn of Metro and Sonatas Steel Orchestras were carded for this past weekend. Metro was ‘rained out’ on Friday, the same fate which had befallen Sonatas the previous Saturday and had prompted the rescheduling to this past Saturday.
So the final ‘big’ band launch of the 2011 New York steelband season - hosted by Sonatas Steel Orchestra - came off with a blessing, and great weather. Always an event that the pan community looks forward to way in advance, Sonatas does not run this late in the season....
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