St. Vincent Panorama 2017 Results:
1st -- Starlift Steel Orchestra (celebrating 50 years) [Duvone Stewart, arranger] - Nanny Revival
2nd -- Sion Hill Euphonium Steel Orchestra [Seion Gomez, arranger] - Horn
3rd -- South East Steel Orchestra [Marla Nanton, arranger] - Pan Jam
4th -- Symphonix Steel Orchestra
5th -- Elite Steel Orchestra
Claude, with all due respect I find your statement about big fish in small pond snobbishly interesting. For the record, the Vincy arranger that placed 3rd was 2 points behind Sieon Gomez. Should we then define big and small?
Congratulations to all the bands, especially Starlift and Duvone Stewart.
Cecil: Yuh like BIG FISH in SMALL POND or what? Dem St. Vincent fellahs cyar arrange dey own tune. Our BIG NAME arrangers should be in the STUDIO making music for the OUTSIDE WORLD. Opening up for the G-20 Summit. Lining up for the WORLD CUP in RUSSIA. Filling the Fremont, California TESLA Factory with the beautiful sounds of PAN MUSIC as the Model 3 electric vehicle finally start rolling out of the manufacturing plant today.
Ah thought the BIG 5 was serious about stepping up and taking this PAN MUSIC TING GLOBAL. Ah have to go back and read dey manifesto again to see if ah read it right. Ah going and check GOOGLE to see if I really understand the meaning of the word I-N-T-E-R-N-A-T-I-O-N-A-L!!!