We have noted that Mr. Bryon Serrette, who was the Vice-President of Pan Trinbago for several years, has been making statements which are inimical to the best interests of Pan Trinbago.
Mr. Serrette throughout his tenure endorsed the management of the organization. It is to be further noted that he on many occasions publicly spoke glowingly of the work of the organization. It seems that he is now going beyond the scope of his ambitions.
We have noted the contents of what has been said by Mr. Serrette and do not find favour with them, most of these statements are erroneous. It should be noted that through our audited financial statements, Pan Trinbago has accounted for every dollar received from government and all other sources.
It has been said in some quarters that Mr. Serrette’s ambition is to be President of Pan Trinbago. We have no quarrel with this but we continue to be a democratic organization and we strive always to do the best for our membership.
We continue to exercise our legal options.
Michael L Joseph
Public Relations Officer
Pan Trinbago Inc T.C.
"... but we continue to be a democratic organization ..."
That is the most compelling line in the statement to me.
Reminds me of two lines from an old Sparrow Calypso
And if you want to test how ah strong in ah election
Leh we bet some money ah giving odds TEN TO ONE
Ah hate to have to read and spell for BIG MEN AND WOMEN but Keith Diaz eh going nowhere!!!
Wondering why this has gone personal, Mr PRO? Let us deal with facts--Board approvals; auditor's reports, accounting statements--when accountability is to be aired--who cares about personal ambitions what we want is justification for expenditures. Stuepse!
Times change, things change and people change.
Maybe when Mr Serrette was singing the praises of the management they were on the up and up, but as times changed...
Not expecting them to say he was right.
And of course we are all waiting to exercise our legal options...
An un-dated letter by the PR person!!! Hmmm
Expected response. I wonder what did the auditors say about the state of the organization and who were they? When was that audit and for which year's books?
Says nothing much and attacks the person speaking out. Hmmm.
Could I have the truth please ?
There was much more in the interview than was contained in M. Joseph's reply.
After reading this sloppy,soppy stupid response by Pan Trinbago, I hope Keith Diaz stops singing the praises of those long time badjohns whose input he claims laid the foundation for where pan is today. Is this the strident assertiveness to be expected from an organisation whose past members would aggressively and robustly defend its turf from detractors inside and outside the pan fraternity? To me sheepish Micheal Joseph either has his tail between his legs or he asked his grandmother who belongs to some women's group or the other to help him craft a reply to Byron Serrette's broadside. Micheal Joseph is saying frig all you members of Pan Trinbago--and taxpayers on the whole-- because we don't have to give you any information about PanTrinbago finances or does the president have to come forward to defend the allegations. This pathetic ad hominem response from Pan Trinbago makes sweeping statements for which there are no supports, is rife with speculation and hearsay and leaves everything up to the attorneys to concoct a feeble defence for Keith Diaz.
Lets have a look at Mr Diaz lifestyle over the time he has been president and see what we come up with. With his house, car, bank account he could be the highest paid person in the land.
This is a Royal edict. " We have noted the contents.........and do not find favour with them".
Are "We" confusing 'royalty' with 'royalties'?
This is a start to finding out if anything is wrong in the thing. Let them go to court, let the evidence show whatever. I'm confused Lillian, is it 'royalty', 'royalties' or 'royaltie$'?
it took rather long for him to find out
when was the last audit?
is it available for public knowledge?
i guess thru foi act