The 32-player “Pan Wizards Steel Orchestra” is performing at the Ellensburg Farmers Market on Saturday.
The 32-player “Pan Wizards Steel Orchestra” will perform at the Ellensburg Farmers Market on Saturday, according to a news release. The music starts at 11 a.m.
The group is the advanced youth ensemble of Steel Magic Northwest, a Seattle area non-profit providing after school steel band as a youth development activity. This performance is one of the stops on their four-day regional tour to Montana.
The group’s repertoire is varied, with broad appeal, and includes Caribbean music, familiar pop songs, television and movie themes and classical music.
The group is directed by Gary Gibson, a Seattle area resident who is internationally known as a steel band/steel pan specialist and composer. He is also the founder of Steel Magic Northwest, now in its third year of programming.
“The band has a large physical and sonic presence,” Gibson said in the release. “The sound of the instruments takes on a much different, more orchestral character when played in such large numbers. This is why we call it a steel orchestra.”
It is good to see WHENSTEELTALKS giving some RECOGNITION to WEST COAST PAN!!!