YouTube is the second largest search engine on the planet. We don't think of it as a search engine, but in addition to being an excellent video resource, it is used as a search engine. What I would like to see on YouTube is more quality music featuring our best Pan Players. There are too many amateurs promoting Pan on YouTube and giving a harmful impression which does not represent the beauty of Pan in all its forms. It is time for the experienced musicians to take the initiative and muscle into that space to improve the profile of Pan and make potential clients feel induced to hire a steel drum band.
YouTube has a revenue sharing option which is an excellent incentive to create a dedicated channel and earn money while you sleep. For example, if you create a channel as a Pan Tutor or a Music Teacher featuring Pan as your instrument, and build a community of followers, your viewings will increase exponentially. I created a channel to help potential clients find party ideas and the viewing figures have crossed 12,000. Soon it will join the revenue sharing programme. It does take some skill to do this and get your content onto the first page of YouTube results, but this is what separates the professionals from the amateurs. The great news is that you will get all the expertise that you need from YouTube. There are video tutorials on everything. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't do it because similar videos already exist. People are still designing sports cars, and there are so many out there. It is all about finding an improvement and presenting it better than the previous person. This is why I suggested being a music teacher and featuring Pan as your instrument. There are more searches for music teacher than pan teacher and you will have a global reach rather than stay in a niche. Here is an example of the content from my party ideas channel.
Do you already have a YouTube channel? What do you think about the suggestions in this discussion?
I think your suggestions are on point and I agree whole-fully... I am also on the verge of producing more professional steelband advertisements for you tube
Most pan players probably don't own a computer or have easy access to one nor do they have the skills, time, patience etc. to produce a youtube channel.
Of course they could get someone to create one for them (for a cost) but then it still has to be maintained.
The idea is good but the implementation of it could be problematic. Skills include making videos of performances etc and making them look professional enough to be attractive.
Only those persons that have a variety of skills (or have a friend who has the where-with-all) and the time to create and maintain a video channel will succeed, other pan players who only have time to rehearse and play will be left out.
Hi Wayne. Thanks for the comments. The points made in my piece were really aimed at the top players. It is important that they make the time and seize the opportunity. In my business, where I have a defficiency of skills i hire other professionals to compensate. There are too many amateurs promoting Pan on YouTube and giving a harmful impression which does not represent the beauty of Pan in all its forms.