New York, USA - Steel Pan was the focus at an international event – Tropicalfete Countdown 2011 Top 100 International Caribbean Songs for the year. Ricardo Greenaway, world-renowned steel pan percussionist, was given the mountainous task of performing the top 5 songs for this year on steel drums, which he did to perfection.
....Mr. Ricardo opened up his set with last year’s number one song, Gyptian’s “Hold You.”
According to Brittany Somerset, Ricardo’s renditions of the songs were “flawless.” Sallyann Lares stated that she was “boiling with pride that the national instrument of her country Trinidad and Tobago was in the spotlight.” “I love the idea of having a music chart that unites all the Caribbean musical genres as well as the music in the diaspora” said Rondel Joseph.
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I would like your assistance. I was browsing the article and the name Ricardo Greenaway is of great interest. I would love to get in touch with him. I believe he could be a distant relative. I can be contacted at (647) 839-9565. Please pass this message on.