Just before the Water Sports activities come to an exciting end, the sound of steelband music begins to pulsate through the air. This is the event that the lovers of steelband music look forward to each year. This is the Steelband Jamboree.
As one approaches the Lionel Roberts Stadium, the sweet melodious sounds of the steelpans become louder, and on entering the stadium, one is amazed by the wave of players and instruments. These musicians range from elementary school students to adults, both male and female. Some are so little that they can hardly be spotted behind the seemingly huge steelpans. Yet they are able to beat out those melodious tunes.
With the Steelpan being very popular in the Virgin Islands, this event has participants from public, private and parochial schools, church organizations and adult groups from both St. Thomas and St. John.
Some bands perform on stage, but the larger groups such as the world famous Superior Court Rising Stars Youth Steel Orchestra, which is comprised of students from different schools, ride on their trolleys which seem to develop a life of their own as the lively musicians have them bouncing to the rhythm of the music.
A variety of musical styles and arrangements are heard throughout the evening as each steelband engages in a mini show to the delight of the avid listeners. By the end of the jamboree, steelpan lovers’ appetites are well satisfied.
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