Steelbands rolling down the drag for the panorama preliminaries had a strong message, it was a form of indoctrination for young people, as well as it herald in the carnival. In my opinion it contributed greatly to young people not learning how to enjoy the steelband vibe. I find it fascinating how so much was done to "dumb down" the Steelband. Jumbie and Spirit did show-up in Steelbands rolling back in the day, could this be the reason why they "cyah see dey way"
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I was somehow looking for the CIP people to weigh-in on this topic, if even just for the sake of making it look like they are interested in ideas to do something for the steelband, This shows their position on how they intend to use this Forum.
Cecil: The CIP writing a big bible of LAWS to govern the PAN KINGDOM. The truth is that the CIP have their own very rigid agenda and all they really care about is GETTING THAT POWER to control PAN TRINBAGO.
And their only interest in the forum is to spread their agenda.
Here is an opportunity to do something that can be beneficial to the steelband and it don't cost a penny, this don't happen everyday. Can they look beyond the politics and really do something positive for the Steelband?
Somebody In the Mecca has to want to see strong steelbands taking charge.
Cecil: I don't know who you are talking to. I don't think that more than 10 PEOPLE in Trinidad read this forum and they are certainly not coming on here to take NO ADVICE from EXPATS. Man busy practicing dey runs for 2018 PANORAMA and yuh bothering dem.
Panorama real early next year, boy!!! Keith Diaz better hurry up and pay dem PAN MEN or dey striking for sure this coming year. Right Gregory Lindsay!!!
You don't worry Claude, more than 10 people in the Mecca have seen my suggestion, I have the same topic going on the Pan Trivia site and it's generating interest.
LUCKY YOU!!! Ah know that NOBODY eh listening to MY SUGGESTIONS about the music because they are down there WORKING IN THE DARK in some backroom (by themselves) while seriously believing that the WHOLE WIDE WORLD just waiting to go crazy over their MUSIC.
Meanwhile (up here) big big names joining with big big names to produce music in all genres. Look how much different people work on that CALYPSO ROSE ALBUM.
Well, the best way to get anything done is to DO IT YOURSELF!!!! So go down and organize the PAN back on the drag!!!
This pan rolling down the drag if even only the 3 town and 4west bands could really be the start of something good with the potential of making some dollars.
So who yuh going and appeal to get this project started?
I am appealing to the pan people of the Mecca,, this thing has potential.