Pan grandmaster, Eustace ‘Manning’ Henry who died on Monday

1 – Hell’s Gate at Panorama 2010 
2 – Hell’s Gate members burning steelpans back in the day
3 – Hell’s Gate performing in Montserrat some years ago
4 – Hell’s Gate will mark its 75th anniversary this year
5 – Hell’s Gate was led by Eustace Henry’s son, Veron, for several years

By Carl Joseph

The son of the late legendary steelpan grandmaster Eustace “Manning” Henry, who died earlier this week, said that the loss of his father has come as a huge blow to the family.

Alston Henry, who was with his father for the very last moments of his life, said the cultural icon died on Monday, after suffering for some time with Alzheimer’s disease.

The grandmaster, ‘skip’, master steelpan builder, tuner, bender, soloist, arranger, and long-time captain of Hell’s Gate Steel Orchestra, died at the age of 90 at his home on Bryon’s Street, Villa.

“Everyone is taking it rough, especially me. I was right there when he took his last breath and it’s been very troubling for me,” Alston explained as he recalled his countless sleepless nights. He said that he has been up replaying the last moments he spent with his father over and over in his head.

Hell’s Gate, which will this year mark its 75th anniversary, is said to be the oldest, continuously operating steel band in the world. Manning was its captain from 1959 to 1978.

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