Staff Journalist
Using 55-gallon steel oil drums and small, wooden mallets, teens create music during a summer camp at Fauquier High School.
Nine teens have learned how to play the Caribbean steel drum summer camp this week at FHS.
For three hours each day, a cacophony of drums erupts in the band room.
Culpeper Middle School student Leah Knott, 14, says she took the camp because, “It sounded fun and I play drums for the school band.”
Leah plays one of the lead drums, responsible for the melody.
The students have already learned how to play “The Lion Sleeps Tonight”, a popular song from the movie “The Lion King” in a day and a half.
In Trinidad there are many steelbands that run programme through the year gear towards the youngsters, Renegades Invaders, Exodus, Birdsongs just to name a few and there are schools like St.Margarete's Boys. And yes there are many steelpan camps that are being run not just during summer but year round.
Learning to play pan is an excellent activity for young people, more and more people are realizing this.