Everybody jumping up because a couple people come on the forum and challenging KEITH DIAZ. People celebrating as if KEITH DIAZ done get fired and UTOPIA has arrived at PAN TRINBAGO. Between GOVERNMENT and SPONSORS at least THIRTY FIVE MILLION DOLLARS is handed over to PAN TRINBAGO every year to cover SALARIES, ALLOWANCES, TRAVEL, EMPLOYEE BENEFITS, OFFICE SPACE and the LAUNDRY LIST of helping this EXECUTIVE maintain the lifestyle to which it has become accustomed.
And when PANORAMA comes and the government shells out another TWENTY FIVE MILLION for the event, half of that is stolen from the PAN MEN by the EXECUTIVE with the usual skullduggery -- like the 2016 payments.
Who in their right mind will give up such easy power and riches unless you think that you are too low on the totem pole and want to run to the media and try to usurp the power of Keith Diaz. (But how come we eh hearing ah next word from Beverly or Byron?)
So stop celebrating on this forum as if allyuh have KEITH DIAZ in a casket and taking him to the SAN JUAN RC CHURCH and thence to the SAN JUAN cemetery.
If EXPATS really care and want change in the PAN TING down in T&T: REPATRIATE and take a POLITICAL STANCE. Sitting down on this forum and dreaming about how things should be with PAN TRINBAGO is like Monday Morning Quarterbacking.
Now leh me go and see who playing what for PANORAMA. Some ah dem new CALYPSOS real hard to stomach. It come as if the vocalists (the lousy vocalists) singing RUNS. Because that seems to be the latest style. The composers taking the RUNS that work best on the PANS and building a CALYPSO off the RUNS with the singer fighting to deliver the lyrics because of the lack of vocal skills and un-calypso nature of the song. The result is no SOUL or MELODY in the song and ZERO sense of CALYPSO RENDITION from the singer.
All around this PANORAMA ting is a real headache. Best allyuh listen to merrytonestothebone and call DOCTOR DOLLY to AMPUTATE.
bugs: word on the ground is that all the LOCAL MEDIA was shut out of the PAN TRINBAGO meeting. But with all the frustration among the PAN MEN once the meeting was over MAN start to TALK BOLDLY to the media. So by Friday the MARK go be bussing all over the local TV and NEWSPAPERS.
Rolly Polly is trending on the Internet. He telling everyone it is Minister Dolly's fault that things are so bad.
Don't believe everything you read, bugs. Me and Keith and Dolly real tight!
Word on the ground is the Culture Division will release info that implicates Rolly Polly in tiefing the children's 2016 Christmas money.