PAN Trinbago president Keith Diaz wants the Education Ministry to use the 24-inch G-Pan in all schools and to teach students the history of the national instrument.
Diaz made the recommendation yesterday at a prize-giving ceremony for the National Schools Panorama and Junior Soca 2018 held at the education Towers, Port of Spain.
Representatives from 12 primary, nine secondary schools and six Junior Soca participants received certificates, trophies and cheques form both the ministry and Pan Trinbago. Diaz said schools around the world are taking pan, born and bred in TT, more seriously than Trinis.
Cecil: KEITH DIAZ always (always, always) talks about PARTNERING WITH THE GOVERNMENT. Meaning that they put up THE MONEY and he will run THE PROGRAM.
So Garcia might bite on that bait and set up a whole G-PAN FACTORY (what happen to the last one?) for DIAZ and his boys and MONEY RUNNING AGAIN. Even if KEITH DIAZ is NOT PRESIDENT of PAN TRINBAGO he will be PRESIDENT of the G-PAN MANUFACTURING COMPANY.
Then they could supply the schools (and the world) with THOUSANDS OF G-PANS. Not a bad plan -- on the part of KEITH DIAZ.
ONCE UPON A TIME old men use to PARK UP ... in these HEALTH CARE TIMES old men running for PRESIDENT and running (down) country. So Keith Diaz eh have NO CONCUSSION!!! The man just living life to the fullest.
Tell Earl Richards the FAT LADY getting dress to come out and SING!!!
Things that make you go hmmmm... Ay Merrytones
It's called poli-tricks Bugs...
At the end of the day: KEITH DIAZ is still THE PRESIDENT OF PAN TRINBAGO!!!
STILL POLITICKING in his usual style!!! Sure looks like he is going to make it through 2018!!!
So now we bypass the Dolly and make a shortcut to funding thru the Education Ministry. Very, very smart. Money still flowing. Just another way to 'skin the cat'. 'Scuse the expression.
Mercer: That is ah REAL BIG CONTRACT yuh looking at dey, yuh know boy. And DIAZ done master the science of producing them G PANS so the contract going to him and his crew.
If you can go down to TRINIDAD and produce a better G PAN than KEITH DIAZ -- the CONTRACT is YOURS.
But yuh still need TUNERS to deliver the product. And why should a TUNER work for you when when as an independent business man he could make and sell PANS all over the WORLD -- and they doh have to be G PANS.
So dem schools go end up with some CRAP PANS like they did before: "Dem is little school children that good enough for dem." Ah think that was the extent of the quote the last time.
So he hustle for ah dollar
He hustle for ah smoke
He hustle so that he could buy ah little coke ...