Trinidad Guardian
Trinidad & Tobago - Stimulated by the study, Tewarie said, he commissioned a study on the contribution of Copyright and related Rights based industries to Gross Domestic Product. This showed that the iconic sectors, such as works of mas and steelband music are small in the context of creative industries.
Radio and television, press and literature, including academic publishing, advertising services, software and databases, Tewarie said, are the dominant sectors. “The good news is that we have industries that are doing well in the creative sector. The bad news is that pan is not doing as well as it should or could. Steelbands generated only 2.8 per cent of the share of revenue.
Worthy of note, however, is that the creative sector industries seem to be remarkably resilient whenever the global economy is weak or in recession,” Tewarie explained. Tewarie said about 30,000 jobs exist in the sector which is about the number of jobs in the energy sector.