I don't know the status of the New Visionaries presently but I would to commend them for their effort in trying to oppose the executive of the Pan Trinbago, they did an excellent job with the resources they had.
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It would be nice of the NV to let us know if they have any plans to contest the election when ever it's called.
Maybe the NV don't want to put it out there, too many Eyes and Ears, (Surprise?)
I thought I was the only one who saw things differently, is like the water in the glass, some see it half-full and others see it half-empty.
Some bashing them because of some procedural flaw in their case, but no one is willing to offer support for taking up the challenge. If you can’t find a voice of voices among 200 plus steel-band management members to question PT leadership on the goals and objectives for the development of PAN, expect Diaz and his cronies to continue making the same speech he made when he was elected President. A promise to do something for Pan. Talk is cheap and trying to sell an image don't cut it, is what you do that counts
odw, if Diaz call election now it will be very interesting to see what happens.
THE NEW VISIONARIES are dead. I was going to write an obituary for them but things went awry with Uncle Errol.
This post is not about if they dead or alive, it's about thanking them for trying to make a difference.
You opened your post by saying that you "did not know the status" and I gave you my status report: DEAD!!!
If Diaz calls an election today, he will WIN like AMERICAN PHAROAH -- EASY!!!
The man has gone from STRENGTH to POLITICAL STRENGTH building relationships at every level of the society. Forget about his INTENT, and recognize his magnificent political skills. And Beverly wake up one morning and decided that she was going to TOWN and snatch power from this man. That was automatic embryonic death for the NEW VISIONARIES. I know how odw feels!!! But there is a political reality here that has to be recognized: DIAZ IS KING!!!
Diaz only look like a king because he had tax dollars to play with, this is the difference.
One of my favorite lines from Richard Pryor: "That's the politics baby!!!"
Now, in the midst of all this I think that Diaz can be taken down. Valentine Young threw out the key one night in a post but nobody bit on it. But that too is a slippery slope. Still, the NEW VISIONARIES would have very little to offer -- speaking of STATUS QUO.
What the organization really needs is YOUNG VISIONARIES and they just cannot come from the STEELBAND WORLD. Another political roadblock -- why should PANMEN who worked so hard to bring the pan forward give up ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROL to BUREAUCRATS and outsiders? So we have a stalemate and nothing will change until a clever politician decides to balance the equation.
Your hero worship of Diaz is baffling, in another post you say he's as good a politician as Obama, I told you he's more in the same class with Jack Warner, fake politicians. Obama started as a community organizer, he's a lawyer and educator and understands the true nature of politics. Diaz is not. He's no George Goddard, his leadership skills are very poor, he's not articulate and lack diplomatic skills, like Warner he likes the politics of distraction.
For example when John Oliver bought his air time on TV6 and begged him to spill the beans, Warner criticize the TV station for allowing him TV time, here's what he said.
I quote "an American foreigner to come into this country and embarrass its citizens, embarrass our people, be critical of the way we speak, of the way we look, to be critical of our culture" end of quote. Now tell me what's wrong with this picture.
I say continue your hero worship but don't mix personality with character ethics. The true criteria of leadership is for the benefit of the followers, you are elected to serve the people who elected you. not serve yourself.
Stop trying to insult our intelligence, if Diaz is the best the membership could come up with as a leader to represent them, they have no one else to blame, but themselves for keeping them enslaved and PAN stagnant.