By now everybody on this forum knows that I just like to lime with the PAN LOVERS and make a guess here and a guess there about where things might be going in this MEXICAN FIRING SQUAD that is PAN while I wait to hear one decent piece of music coming from PAN in Trinidad. But this recent ripoff of the PAN PLAYERS pulled me off the sidelines and into the PAN POLITICS.
So earlier this week I mailed a letter to DR. KEITH ROWLEY asking him to pay the PAN PLAYERS their deficit $500 and let us all move on to PANORAMA 2018. I even suggested that he resolve the issue by the end of October (2017).
Now I know that the odds of that letter getting into The Prime Minister's hands are about 1000 to 1; and the odds of him acting on it are 1,000,000 to 1. But I had to take some little token action to alleviate some of the stress from the MISSING $500.00 which could have been used to buy clothes and schoolbooks for the young PAN PLAYERS -- as Michael Joseph so astutely pointed out in his letter yesterday.
In essence, though, knowing that my letter will not get to the desk of the Prime Minister, I am using this posting as CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE!!!
thanks Mr claud we need all the help we could get. My players are hurt.
Like the $500 RIP OFF bothering GREGORY LINDSAY too.