Almost a year in office and NOT ONE DECENT CONCERT.
Look, even the BIG 5 coming back from the GRAVE to give a PAN CONCERT in OCTOBER!!! A little sentimental appeal -- but STILL A BIG CONCERT!!!
An entire OFFICE FULL of EXECUTIVES and they cannot go and beat the bushes and get some SPONSORS to produce a FIRST CLASS pan concert.
And BEVERLEY gone in the PAN ON D AVENUE last night and trying to inch in and pretend that she had the SUPREME HAND in producing that concert. Just like she try to tell DOCTOR DOLLY that DOCTOR DOLLY have to come THROUGH HER to hire bands for CARIFESTA.
I would not be surprised if next year BEVERLEY is calling up ALIMA GARCIA and telling her that PAN ON D AVENUE have to BOOK BANDS THROUGH PAN TRINBAGO and pay them a FEE.
What bugs and odw say? It have little 12 year-old children on the internet who could engage some SPONSORS in TRINIDAD and raise a couple HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS to produce a HIGH QUALITY PAN CONCERT down in THE MECCA OF PAN.
But when you just come in town -- it is all a BLUR. Yuh doh know NORTH FROM SOUTH!!!
Is time for MARCUS ASH and KEITH SIMPSON and DENISE HERNANDEZ to step up and give this woman some help. Lord, ah forget that ah done profile the woman and see that she have to be in control of everything and nobody cyar give she NO ADVICE!!!