In the Sunday Express February 12th 1995 Lloyd Best presented “The Best Plan For Pan”. He produced a further series of articles in the Express newspapers from April 29th to May 2nd 2001 outlining his concept of school in pan. There were also his famous addresses at La Joya and at the panyard in Curepe sometime in 2001. In addition to this powerful theoretical and practical framework, since then, we have accumulated several researches in the creative sector as well a rich    history of several initiatives of some very innovative steelbands like Birdsong, Scherzando and St Margaret’s Anglican in Belmont. Lloyd Best saw the panyard as a platform for economic growth and development. He saw the panyard as a centre of excellence and a pole of innovation and native entrepreneurship. He saw as one of the assets of the panyard the “capacity for civic harmony and community collaboration” as well as the potential for engaging “sleeping resources” and “native intuition”.

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