The Constitution of PanTrinbago Inc.

The Constitution of PanTrinbago Inc.

(WORLD GOVERNING BODY FOR PAN) PREAMBLE We, the members of PAN TRINBAGO (INC.), as God-fearing, peace-loving and law-abiding people, hereby pledge allegiance to the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago and declare our loyalty to the principles of the Constitution of the said Republic.

With gratitude for their efforts, we posthumously dedicate this revision of the Constitution of our Association to the memory of those persons who unselfishly gave of themselves in every way to contribute to the development of the steelpan and the steel drum as the most innovative musical instruments of the Twentieth Century.


The corporate name of the association shall be "PAN TRINBAGO (INC.)" - (hereinafter referred to as "the Association ").


The Registered Office of the Association shall be situated in the Island of Trinidad in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago (hereinafter referred to as "the Republic").


  1. There shall be an Official Seal of the Association (hereinafter referred to as "the Seal") which shall not be affixed to any instrument except by the authority of a resolution of the Central Executive Committee

  2. The Seal shall be circular in form and shall bear the words "PanTrinbago Inc." to the top thereof and the words 'World Governing Body for Pan- to the bottom thereof.


The objectives of the Association shall be :-

  1. To act as the sole representative for members and member Steelbands in all matters relative to the development, promotion and performance of Steelpan and Steelband music within the Republic and throughout the world in its capacity as the World Governing Body for Steelpan and Steelband music.

  2. To promote the playing of steelpan and steelband music in every way it deems fit.

  3. To initiate, stimulate and improve programmes for steelpan players, ensembles, groups and steelbands and to promote and develop participation to foster healthy relations among affiliated associations and their officials and members.

  4. To unite all members and associations worldwide without discrimination against a country or an individual for reasons of race, religion, sex or politics.

  5. To preserve the steelpan as an indigenous musical art form and the National Musical Instrument of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.

  6. To encourage and conduct:-

    1. (a) programmes of technical research and development on the steelpan; and

    2. (b) programmes of historical research and documentation on the steelpan and steelband movement.

  7. To promote, encourage, support and develop audiences for the preservation, enjoyment and appreciation of performances by steelpan and steelband musicians.

  8. To uphold the principle of institutional control of and responsibility for every type of steelpan, the musical instrument, and steelband music by taking such steps as shall be deemed necessary or advisable to prevent infringement of the statutes and/or regulations of the Association, to prevent the introduction of improper methods or practices in the manufacture, tuning, blending and playing of steelpan and steelband instruments and to protect it from abuses.


The above stated objectives shall be accomplished through the following means:-

  1. The Association shall provide equal opportunities for all of its members.

  2. The Association shall protect the interests of all of its members and provide legal assistance and other services for the benefit of its membership as may be required.

  3. The Association shall advocate the introduction of legislation within the Republic which shall protect the rights of its members and promote generally the interests of the steelpan movement.

  4. The Association shall make representations to the relevant authorities within the Government of the Republic for the provision and allocation to it of sufficient funds to fulfill its aims and objectives.

  5. The association shall encourage the introduction of steelband instruments as a medium of learning and instruction in the education system of the Republic and in other nations.

  6. The Association shall enter into lawful relations with the governments of the Republic and such other foreign states as it may deem appropriate or the purpose of obtaining concessions for its members with respect to immigration, fiscal and other legal requirements in the respective territories.

  7. The Association shall formulate a Code of Conduct to be followed by its members so as to improve the local and international image of the steelpan and steelband movement.

  8. The Association shall affiliate and otherwise maintain communication with steelbands and steelband associations outside of the Republic and shall provide technical and other forms of assistance to such affiliate members as the nature of the case may require.


  1. Subject to the rules and regulations of the Association for the time being in force, the membership of the Association and its outreach organs shall be open to all bona fide steelpan and/or steelband players, ensembles, associations, sponsors, benefactors, patrons, friends, Individuals, tuners, arrangers, solo players or any other persons sympathetic to the steelband movement and/or to the aims and objectives of the Association.

  2. Membership in the Association shall be of an Ordinary, Honorary or Affiliate nature and shall be based on such criteria established or varied from time to time by the General Body.

  3. There shall be no restriction upon admission to membership for the reasons of gender, literacy/educational background, social status, race, colour, creed, ethnic origin, profession, vocation or political affiliation.


  1. This form of membership shall be restricted to bona fide Steelbands.

  2. Each ordinary member shall be entitled to hold office in and to attend and vote at all meetings of the Association and to enjoy such other privileges as may be extended by the Central Executive Committee

  3. No ordinary member shall be entitled to vote at any meeting of the Association unless he is in good financial standing.


  1. This form of membership shall be conferred upon such individuals, groups, ensembles and/or associations within or outside the Republic who or which in the collective opinion of the members of the Central Executive Committee have made a outstanding contribution to the development, enhancement or expansion of the steelband movement.

  2. No honorary member shall be entitled to hold office in or to vote at meetings of the Association but may enjoy such privileges as may be extended by the Central Executive Committee.


  1. This form of membership shall be granted to recognized steelband tuners, arrangers, solo steelpan or steelband players and artistes and/ or association of such persons, sponsors, benefactors, patrons, and friends of the steelpan and steelband movement within the Republic and to such persons, steel orchestras and their members as may be resident outside of the Republic.

  2. No affiliate member shall be entitled to hold office in or to vote at meetings of the Association but shall enjoy such privileges as may be extended by the Central Executive Committee.


The organization structure of the Association shall be composed of :-

  1. The General Body

  2. The Central Executive Committee

  3. Regional Committees


  1. The genera Body shall consist of all classes of members of the Association. II. Each member steeIband shall elect two (2) delegates to act as its representative to the General Body and shall inform the secretary of The Central Executive Committee of the names of such delegates .

  2. Only those members and/or delegates who are in good financial standing with the Association shall be entitled to attend and vote at meetings of the General Body. MEETINGS OF THE GENERAL BODY

The meetings of the General Body shall be convened as follows:-

  1. Convention

  2. Special Convention

  3. Annual General Meeting

  4. Extraordinary General Meeting.


  1. The Convention shall be the supreme legislative and judicial authority of the Association and shall be convened once in every three calendar years during the period September 1 to October 31 to determine general policy of the Association and o elect members to the Central Executive Committee.

  2. Attendance at the Convention shall be open to all members of the Association but only those Ordinary members who are in good financial standing with the Association shall be permitted to vote thereat.

  3. The Convention shall adopt such rules of procedure and/or regulations governing the conduct of its business and its organization as it may deem necessary.

  4. Unless otherwise determined a quorum of 60% of the financial membership of the General Body eligible to vote present at the time the meeting is ready to proceed to business shall constitute a quorum for the purposes of the Convention.

  5. There shall be no appeal from the decisions and determinations of the Convention.


  1. A Special Convention shall be called for the purpose of making amendments to the Constitution or to hold bye-elections.


  1. Whenever the Convention or Special Convention is not in session the Annual General Meeting shall be the highest authority of the Association.

  2. The Annual General Meeting shall have the authority to formulate such rules and regulations as it may deem necessary to govern the conduct of its business but no such rule or regulations shall be regarded as having any validity where and to the extent that the same conflict with any Rules or Regulations established by the General Body in Convention.

  3. Unless otherwise determined a quorum of 60% of the financial membership of the General Body eligible to vote present at the time the meeting is ready to proceed to business shall constitute a quorum for the purposes of the Annual General Meeting.

  4. The Annual General Meeting shall be summoned by the President of the Central Executive Committee during the period September 1st to October 31st in each calendar year. The annual reports of the Auditor and of the President, Secretary and Treasurer of the Central Executive committee shall be submitted to the Annual General Meeting.

  5. Subject to the provisions of this Constitution and to any other written law for the time being of the Association, the Annual General Meeting shall have the power to confirm, vary or veto any decisions, by-laws or other rules passed during the year by the Central Executive Committee.


  1. Between the Annual General Meetings, an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Association may be called by the President of the Central Executive Committee by giving to all members qualified to attend thereat twenty-eight (28) days' prior notice in writing stating the purpose for calling such meeting.

  2. Without prejudice to the foregoing, an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Association shall be called by the President of the Central Executive Committee within fourteen (14) days after the delivery to the Secretary of the Association of a requisition for the same signed by not less than 60% of the financial membership of the General Body and stating the nature of the business to be discussed.

  3. An Extraordinary General Meeting of the Association may not be convened for the Purpose of discussing or otherwise dealing with any matters pending before the Disciplinary or appeal Committees nor shall any such matters be discussed or otherwise dealt with at an Extraordinary General Meeting convened for any other purpose.

  4. Unless otherwise determined a quorum of 60% of the financial membership of the General Body eligible to vote present at time the meeting is ready to proceed to business shall constitute a quorum for the purposes of the Extraordinary General Meeting.


  1. At each Convention the General Body shall elect persons from their number who shall comprise and be designated as the Central Executive Committee and they shall be Ex-Officio Directors of the Association.

  2. The members of the Central Executive Committee shall hold office for a term of three (3) years such term to be computed from the date of their election to office and each member shall hold office until his removal from office or until the next Convention, whichever is sooner.

  3. The Central Executive Committee shall have and exercise all of the powers of the Convention in the management of the Association during the intervals between the Conventions and General Meetings of the General Body.

  4. Meetings of the Central Executive Committee shall be convened once in each calendar month or at such shorter intervals as may be deemed necessary by the President of the Executive Committee.

  5. Unless otherwise determined a quorum of five (5) members eligible to vote present at the time the meeting is ready to proceed to business shall constitute a quorum for the purposes of the Central Executive Committee.

  6. The Central Executive Committee may from time to time convene a meeting with the members of the various Regional Executive Committees within the Republic and/or with delegates from any of the Affiliates of the Association located outside of the Republic.

  7. The Central Executive Committee with the approval of the General Body shall have the authority to invest the moneys of the Association in such manner as it considers to be in the best interests of the Association as a whole.

  8. No elected position to the Central Executive Committee shall be compensated by way of a salary. However, the Central Executive Committee shall have power to determine the sum of a stipend and/or allowances to be paid to its members for the reimbursement of reasonable authorized financial expenditure incurred on behalf of the Association.

  9. The Central Executive Committee shall have the power to declare vacant the seat of any member or officer of the Central Executive Committee who is absent without permission or reasonable excuse from three (3) consecutive monthly meetings and to fill any vacancy arising in its number until a by-election is held by a meeting of the Special Convention.

  10. The Central Executive Committee shall have the power to decide on any matter on which the Constitution or any written by-laws of the Association for the time being in force are silent.

  11. The decisions of the Central Executive Committee on any matter concerning the Association shall be final unless the same are overruled, amended, repealed or otherwise modified by a General Meeting of the General Body.

  12. The Central Executive Committee shall have the power to formulate policies regarding the behaviour, conduct and general deportment of all Ordinary, Honorary and Affiliate members of the Association during public performances held in the Republic or elsewhere. All such policies shall be subject to the ratification of the General Body in General Meeting.

  13. The Central Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Public Relations Officer, Education Officer, External Relations Officer, two (2) Trustees and such other officers as the Convention shall establish.

  14. In the exercise of its functions, the Central Executive Committee may appoint and prescribe rules and procedures to govern the conduct of business of the following sub-committees, along with such other sub-committees as may be deemed necessary by the President:-

    1. Finance Committee

    2. Disciplinary Committee

    3. Research and Development Committee

    4. Legal Matters Committee

    5. Youth Affairs Committee

    6. Marketing and Media Committee

    7. Membership Services Committee

    8. Events Committee

    9. Regulations Committee

  15. The Central Executive Committee shall also have the right and the power to employ, appoint and remunerate from the funds of the Association such person(s) as it deems is/are necessary to perform administrative functions on behalf of the Association


  1. Within the Republic, the Association shall be divided into sum Regions falling within such boundaries as may from time to time be determined by the Central Executive Committee.

  2. Until otherwise determined by the Central Executive Committee, there shall be four (4) Regions within the Republic.

    1. The Northern Region -shall consist of that geographical region of northern Trinidad which falls within the boundaries west of Morvant Junction and west of Las Cuevas -using an imaginary line to run from Las Cuevas through Morvant Junction to the Gulf of Paria.

    2. The Eastern Region -shall consist of that geographical region of eastern Trinidad which falls east of Morvant Junctions and within the counties of St. David, St. Andrew and Nariva.

    3. The South/Central Region -shall consist of that geographical region of south and central Trinidad which falls within the boundaries of the counties of Caroni, Victoria, St. Patrick and Mayaro.

    4. The Tobago Region -shall consist of that geographical region of the island of Tobago.

  3. There shall be a Regional Executive Committee for each of the Regions of the Association which shall act as the liaison between the member steelbands of the particular Region and the Central Executive Committee.

  4. Each member steelband within a Region shall appoint two (2) delegates to represent it on the Regional Body.

  5. The members of the Regional Body shall comprise the Regional General Meeting which shall be the highest authority within the respective Regions.

  6. The Regional General Meeting shall convene meetings once every two (2) months or at such other times as the Chairman of the Regional Executive Committee shall deem necessary and, unless otherwise determined, a quorum of 60% of the financial membership of the Regional General Meeting eligible to vote present at the time the meeting is ready to proceed to business shall constitute a quorum for the purposes of the Regional General Meeting.

  7. There shall be an election in each Region of the Association within one (1) month after the Special Convention to elect members to each of the Regional Executive Committees. Members of the Regional Executive Committee shall hold office for a term of three (3) years such term to be computed from the date of their election to office and each member shall hold office until his removal from office or until the next Special Convention, whichever is sooner.

  8. The Regional Executive Committee shall meet once in each calendar month and shall consist of a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer and two (2) Trustees.

  9. The decisions of the Regional Executive Committee shall be recorded by means of resolutions each of which must be forwarded to the Central Executive Committee within seven (7) days of the date of the resolution.

  10. The Regional Executive Committee shall be answerable to the Central Executive Committee in respect of all matters of finances and shall require the prior approval of the Central Executive Committee to organize fund raising activities all of which shall be undertaken in the best interests of the Association.

  11. The Regional Executive Committee shall submit its financial statements for audit to the Secretary of the Central Executive Committee no later than 31st May of each calendar year.

  12. The Regional Executive Committee shall have the power to co-opt any person to any sub-committee which it shall have the power to constitute but any person so co-opted shall not be eligible to vote or hold office.

  13. All Property of the Regions shall be the property of the Association and any property in the hands of the Trustees of the Regional Executive Committees shall be maintained by and subject to the supervision of the Central Executive Committee.

The duties of the respective members of the Regional Executive Committees of the Association shall be determined by the Central Executive Committee.

It shall be the duty of all officers of the Association, upon resignation or removal from office, to hand over all properties of the Association in their possession or under their control to any one of the Trustees of the Association within seven (7) days of demitting office.


The officers of the Association shall consist of the members of -

  1. The Central Executive Committee; and

  2. The Regional Executive Committee.




    1. Shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Association and shall preside over all meetings of the Central Executive Committee and of the General Body.

    2. Shall sign minutes of all meetings of the Central Executive Committee and of the General Body after they have been duly confirmed by the respective members.

    3. Shall have an original and casting vote at all meetings over which he presides.

    4. Shall have the power and authority to conduct the executive functions of the Association when the Central Executive Committee is not in session. All such action taken by him shall be subject to the approval of a majority of the members of the Central Executive Committee at their next meeting after the exercise by the President of such powers.

    5. Shall be the recognized agent of the Association for the purposes of executing all official documents which may be required to be executed by or on behalf of the Association and of corresponding and answering all correspondence sent to the Association.

    6. Shall have the power to delegate to any Officer of the Association such duties and functions as may be required to be performed on behalf of the Association.

    7. Shall be responsible for the summoning of all meetings of the Association by giving directions to the Secretary of the Association for the issue of notices to members entitled to attend same of the relevant particulars in respect of such meetings.

    8. Shall have the power to change the portfolio of any Officer of the Association after consultation with the Central Executive Committee where such Officer has occupied office for a minimum of one (1) year.

    9. Shall be responsible for the appointment of all sub-committees of the Association after consultation with the Central Executive Committee.

    10. Shall be the final authority on all releases or public pronouncements made by the Association.

    11. Shall make a report of the status and condition of the Association to all meetings of the General Body of the Association.


    1. Shall assist the President in the exercise of his duties.

    2. Shall act in the capacity of the President during the incapacity or absence of the President from the Republic.

    3. Shall perform such other duties as may be delegated to him by the President and/or the Central Executive Committee from time to time.

    4. All pronouncements, actions and decisions taken by the Vice-President shall be subject to ratification by the President and/or the Central Executive Committee.


    1. Shall see to the co-ordination and implementation of all decisions made by the Central Executive Committee.

    2. Shall issue notices for and serve as the Secretary to the General Meetings of the General Body and keep accurate minutes of all such meetings and shall cause copies of all such minutes to be printed and distributed to members entitled to attend same at least twenty-eight (28) days prior to the next such meeting.

    3. Shall be responsible for monitoring and keeping of official records of all aspects and activities of the Association.

    4. Shall initiate and answer all correspondence for and on behalf of the Association subject to the directives of the President.

    5. Shall print and distribute to the members of the Association copies of any revised or amended laws of the Association within twenty-eight (28) days of such amendment of the same.

    6. Shall issue the appropriate documentation to members upon receipt of certified lists of applicants for membership.

    7. In the case of elections to offices of the Association, shall be responsible for the circulation to all members, member steelbands and affiliated associations of copies of the agenda of the Meeting at which elections are to be held, copies of all reports to be submitted at such Meeting and an nominations for elections to vacant offices of the Association.

    8. Shall have the custody of the Seal of the Association and of all relevant books, papers and documents pertaining to his office until such time as he is required to pass them over to such person as may be elected to succeed him in office.

    9. Shall perform such other duties as may be delegated to him by the President and/or the Central Executive Committee from time to time.

    10. In discharging his functions the Secretary shall be directly answerable to the President.


    1. Shall perform the duties of the Secretary in his absence or disability.

    2. Shall discharge such other functions as may be delegated to him by the Secretary, the President or the Central Executive committee.


    1. Shall have the custody of all the moneys, bonds, securities and other valuable documents of the Association and shall keep regular and accurate books of account in respect of all moneys received by the Association and of all transactions of deposits or withdrawals of moneys into and/or from bank accounts held and operated in the name of the Association.

    2. Shall be responsible to issue receipts for an moneys received by him or any other person authorized by the Central Executive Committee to receive money or money's worth on behalf of the Association.

    3. Shall deposit such moneys as he receives on behalf of the Association into the bank account of the Association within twenty- four (24) hours after receipt of the same or on the next banking day.

    4. Shall disburse the funds of the Association in payment of the just demands against the Association.

    5. Shall sign all the cheques which are to be issued in the payment of the debts of the Association prior to the counter-signature of the same by any of the other authorized signatories on behalf of the Association.

    6. Shall liaise with the Auditors and submit to the Secretary an audited financial statement of the affairs of the Association together with his financial report thereon for presentation to the members of the Association at each Annual General Meeting and Convention.

    7. Shall have the custody of and be responsible for all relevant books, papers and documents pertaining to his office until such time as he is required to pass them over to such person as may be elected to succeed him in office.

    8. Shall perform such other duties as may be delegated to him by the President and/or the Central Executive Committee from time to time.


    1. Shall design, plan, co-ordinate and implement public relations programmes within the Republic to project an image to the public which shall be in the best interests of the Association.

    2. Shall oversee the preparation, production, distribution and/or sale to persons within the Republic of all publications concerning the nature, aims and activities from time to time of the Association as shall be approved by the President.

    3. Shall oversee the reproduction, distribution and/or sale to the public within the Republic of audio and video materials of the Association.

    4. Shall, with the authorization of the President, liaise with print and electronic media, authorities and personnel responsible for the promotion of culture, music and/or tourism within the Republic in the fulfillment of his duties.

    5. Shall be responsible for the selection of personnel to assist him in the execution of his duties. The appointment of all such persons by the Public Relations Officer shall be subject to the approval of the Central Executive committee.

    6. Shall liaise with personnel of the government of the Republic towards securing the introduction and utilization of steel band instruments as a medium of learning and instruction in the education systems of the Republic.

    7. Shall perform such other duties as may be delegated to him by the President and/or the Central Executive Committee from time to time.


    1. Shall design, plan, co-ordinate and implement programmes for the education and information of members of the Association in all areas of interest.

    2. Shall be responsible for collecting and recording information on the steelband movement in the Republic and abroad towards the establishment and maintenance of a national archives and library.

    3. Shall perform such other duties as may be delegated to him by the President and/or the Central Executive Committee from time to time.


    1. Shall design, plan, co-ordinate and implement public relations programmes outside of the Republic to project an image to the public which shall be in the best interests of the Association.

    2. Shall oversee the preparation, production distribution and/or sale to consumers outside of the Republic of all publications concerning the nature, aims and activities from time to time of the association as shall be approved by the President.

    3. Shall oversee the reproduction, distribution and/or sale to consumers outside of the Republic of audio and video material of the Association.

    4. Shall, with the authorization of the President, liaise with print and electronic media, authorities and personnel responsible for the promotion of culture, music and/or tourism in states and territories outside of the Republic in the fulfillment of his duties.

    5. Shall be responsible for the selection of personnel to assist in the execution of his duties. The appointment of all such persons by the External Relations Officer shall be subject to approval of the Central Executive Committee.

    6. Shall liaise and correspond with an affiliate members of the Association located in countries outside of the Republic and shall have the responsibility to inform the Central Executive Committee of the needs and planned activities of such affiliate members.

    7. Shall liaise with personnel of the governments of states or territories outside of the Republic with a view towards securing the introduction and utilization of steel band instruments as a medium of learning and instruction in the education systems of the respective territories.

    8. Shall perform such other duties as may be delegated to him by the President and/or the Central Executive Committee from time to time.


    1. Shall hold in trust for the use and benefit of the members of the association property committed to them.

    2. Shall hold in trust for the use and benefit of the Association any assets which shall become the property of the association with or without proper legal designation, either by gift, deed, will or otherwise.

    3. Shall be responsible for the preservation, protection, maintenance and security of all property of the Association not otherwise provided for.

    4. Shall have access to all valuable business and title documents entrusted to the Treasurer for safe-keeping.

    5. Shall perform such other duties as may be delegated to them by the President and/or the Central Executive Committee from time to time.


The duties of the respective members of the Regional Executive Committees of the Association shall be determined by the Central Executive Committee.

It shall be the duty of all officers of the Association, upon resignation or removal from office, to hand over all properties of the Association in their possession or under their control to any one of the Trustees of the Association within seven (7) days of demitting office.


  1. Officers of the Association shall be selected by means of the electoral process which shall be held at two (2) levels:-

"a. The Central Executive Committee which shall be elected at the triennial Special Convention;
b. The Regional Executive Committee which shall be elected one (1) month after the Special Convention.

  1. All Officers of the Association shall be elected triennially and shall hold office for a term of three (3) years from the date of their election to office.

  2. Voting at an elections of the Association shall be by secret ballot and a Returning Officer shall be appointed a preside at each election of officers of the Association.

  3. No person who is a member of the Association shall be eligible to be appointed as a Returning Officer at any election of the Association.

  4. Only such members of the General Body as are in good financial standing may be eligible for election to any office of the Association.

  5. No member of the General Body against whom there are pending disciplinary proceedings may be eligible for election to any office of the Association.

  6. Any delegated member of a financial steelband or any out-going Central Executive Committee member shall be eligible for election to any office of the Association.

  7. All persons seeking election to any office of the Association shall have their nominations supported by two (2) members in good financial standing with the Association on the prescribed form and shall submit their nominations to the Secretary of the Association no later then twenty-one (21) days prior to the date prescribed for the elections.

  8. The Secretary of the Association shall be responsible for the circulation to all members, member steelbands and affiliated associations of copies of the agenda of the Meeting and all nominations for election to vacant offices of the Association.


  1. The Association shall maintain a system of financial accounting conducive to its programmes and activities and shall have the right and power to raise funds for its programmes and activities.

  2. The Treasurer shall have responsibility for the overall financial accounting system of the Association but shall be subject to the authority of the President who shall have the power to supervise and give directives for the proper functioning of the same.

  3. The accounts of the Association shall be audited annually by such Auditor or Auditors for the time being of the Association as have been appointed by the General Body at the Annual General Meeting.

  4. The Fiscal year of the Association shall run from 1st July to 30th June

  5. The Association shall have the power to operate banking accounts of every nature at such banking institutions in any territory as deemed necessary or expedient to the Central Executive Committee and in the best interests of the Association.

  6. The Association shall not have or issue shares or stock. No dividend shall be paid and no part of the property or income of the Association shall be distributed to the members or officers of the Association.

  7. The Association shall not make or grant loans to any of its employees, agents, Officers or other personnel.

  8. The Central Executive Committee shall have the right to require all limbs of the Association to submit their respective budgets to the Treasurer for examination and recommendation to it for each fiscal year at such times and places and under such circumstances as it may deem appropriate.


  1. The Association shall have the right and power to levy dues, assessments and/or registration fees upon all of its members of every category in such amounts, at such times and places and upon such terms and conditions as the Central Executive Committee shall from time to time determine.

  2. The Central Executive Committee shall adopt such rules of procedure for the payment and allocation of all dues, assessments and/or registration fees received and the disbursement of the same as may appear to it to be in the best interest of the Association.

  3. Any member of any category who fails or refuses to pay any dues, assessments and/or registration fees as and when the same become due shall be deemed unfinancial.

  4. The delegates to the General or Regional Bodies of any member steelband which is deemed unfinancial shall automatically be similarly deemed unfinancial and shall forthwith vacate office.

  5. No unfinancial member shall be eligible to vote at a meeting of the Association or to hold office at any level of the Association.


  1. Every member of the Association may be tried for the commission of any offence created under this constitution or any other written law of the Association and such disciplinary action shall be taken as may be deemed necessary or expedient in the best interests of the Association.

  2. All disciplinary action against an officer of the Association shall be taken by the Central Executive Committee.

  3. All disciplinary action against a member of a Region of the Association shall be taken by the Regional Executive Committee.



1. Offences for which a member may be tried are as follows:-

  1. Persistently violating the provisions of this Constitution or any other written law of the Association.

  2. Supporting any person, ensemble, band or entity who or which acts in persistent violation of the provisions of this Constitution or any other written law of the Association.

  3. Sanctioning practices of members which are contrary to the principles of the Constitution and failing or refusing to take steps prescribed by the Constitution or any other written law of the Association for the trial of members charged with the commission of the foregoing offence.


  1. Any member who has just cause to believe that another member, ensemble, member band or affiliate in the Region of which he is member has committed any or all of the above offences may file with the Secretary of the Regional Executive Committee a written allegation against the alleged offender specifically setting out the acts and things complained of.

  2. Within fourteen (14) days of the submission of an allegation to him the Secretary shall be responsible to file copies of the same with the secretary of the Central Executive Committee and to mail by registered post a copy of the allegation to the accused member.

  3. The Chairman of the Regional Executive Committee shall appoint a sub-committee of not less than three (3) persons to examine the facts and ascertain whether there is any merit in the allegation.

  4. If the investigating sub-committee determines that there is no merit to the allegation and recommends that the same be dismissed the Chairman shall thereupon dismiss the allegation and send copies of the notice of dismissal to the principal parties.

  5. Any person who having filed an allegation is aggrieved by the decision of the Chairman to dismiss the same shall have a right to apply to the Central Executive Committee for leave to appeal against such dismissal and the decision of the Central Executive Committee in this regard shall be final and binding upon such appellant.

  6. If, however, the investigating sub-committee determines that there should be a trial of the alleged offender the Chairman shall forthwith schedule a trial of the alleged offender by the Regional Executive Committee and the Secretary shall give written notice to all interested parties and to the Secretary of the Central Executive Committee of the time and place of such hearing at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the date thereof

  7. An accused member shall have the right to select Counsel to represent him before the hearing.

  8. A majority decision of the Regional Executive Committee shall be necessary to sustain the allegation.

  9. Any party aggrieved by the decision of the Regional Executive Committee shall have the right of appeal to the Central Executive Committee.


  1. Upon the determination of the guilt of any offender the Regional Executive Committee shall have the power to make any or all of the following orders

    1. It may order that the member be placed on probation

    2. It may order that the member be fined. The quantum of the fines to be levied by the Regional Executive committee shall be determined by the Central Executive Committee from time to time.

    3. It may order that the member be suspended from the Association for a definite period not to exceed three (3) month during which period the member shall not be entitled to any of the privileges or benefits of membership.

  2. Any sentence imposed by the Regional Executive Committee may be suspended where in the opinion of the Chairman it is just and expedient to do so.

  3. The Regional Executive Committee shall not have the power to expel any member from the Association.

  4. Where the majority of the Regional Executive Committee is of the opinion that the particular offence should be met by heavier penalties than it is allowed to impose under this Constitution or any other written law of the Association, the Chairman shall inform the President of the Central Executive Committee in writing of such opinion. In any such case, the matter shall be referred to the Central Executive Committee for sentencing only.



  1. Offences for which an Officer of the Association may be tried are as follows:-

    1. Repeated failure to abide by the provisions of this Constitution or any other written laws of the Association.

    2. Espousing doctrines repugnant to the principles, aims and objectives of the Association.

    3. Misfeasance, malfeasance or nonfeasance in office.

    4. Personal Misconduct such as to bring the Association into disrepute.

    5. Conduct unbecoming of an Officer

    6. Misappropriation or misuse of funds of the Association.

    7. Abuse of powers and prerogatives of an Officer.

    8. Willfully failing or refusing to use means at his disposal to protect the property, rights and interests of the Association


  1. Any member who has just cause to believe that an Officer has committed any or all of the above offences may file with the Secretary of the Central Executive Committee a written allegation against the alleged offender specifically setting out the acts and things complained of. Where the Secretary is the Officer against whom an allegation is made, the Assistant Secretary shall perform all of the functions of the Secretary under this Article.

  2. The Secretary shall prepare the charges upon the order of the President and shall mail a copy of the allegation to the accused Officer by registered post within fourteen (14) days after receipt of the said charge.

  3. The President shall appoint a sub-committee of not less than three (3) persons to examine the facts and ascertain whether there is any merit in the allegation.

  4. If the investigation sub-committee determines that there is no merit to the allegation and recommends that the same be dismissed the President shall thereupon on dismiss the allegation and send copies of the notice of dismissal to the principal parties.

  5. Any person who having filed an allegation is aggrieved by the decision of the Chairman to dismiss the same shall have a right to apply to the Appeal Committee for leave to appeal against such dismissal and the -decision of the Appeals Committee in this regard shall be final and binding upon such appellant.

  6. If, however, the investigating sub-committee determines that there should be a.trial of the alleged offender the president shall forthwith schedule a trial of the alleged offender by the Central Executive Committee. The Secretary shall give written notice to all interested parties of time and place of such hearing at least twenty -one (21) days prior to the date thereof.

  7. The accuser(s).and the accused Officer shall have the right to select Counsel to represent him or then at the hearing.

  8. The Central: Executive Committee shall have the right to formulate any rules of procedure in the conduct of hearings which will give both parties a fair trial.

  9. No accused member of the Central Executive Committee shall be allowed to participate in its deliberations upon any matter in the outcome of which he is directly or indirectly interested.

  10. A majority decision of the Central Executive Committee shall be necessary to sustain the allegations.

  11. Any accused Officer found guilty of the allegations against before the Central Executive Committee shall have the right of appeal as provided under Part B of Article 13 of this Constitution.


  1. Upon the determination of the guilt of any offender the Central Executive Committee shall have the power to make any or all of the following orders:-

    1. It may order that the Officer be placed on probation.

    2. It may order that the Officer be fined.

    3. It may order that the Officer be suspended from his duties for a definite period upon such terms and conditions as it may determine.

    4. It may order that the Officer be suspended from the Association for a period not in excess of three (3) months during which period the Officer shall not be entitled to any of the privileges or benefits of membership.

    5. It may order that the Officer be removed from his office.

    6. It may order that the Officer be expelled from the Association.

    7. It may make such other order as may be determined by it to be in the best interests of the Association.

  2. Any sentence imposed by the Central Executive Committee may be suspended where in the opinion of the President it is just and expedient to do so.



  1. A member aggrieved by disciplinary action taken against him shall have the right to appeal to the Central Executive Committee.

  2. All appeals to the Central Executive Committee shall be lodged with the secretary within fourteen (14) days of the decision of the Regional Executive Committee.

  3. The decision of the Central Executive Committee shall be final and binding.


  1. An officer aggrieved by disciplinary action taken against him shall have the right to appeal to the Appeals committee of the Association.

  2. All appeals to the Appeals Committee shall be lodged with the Secretary of the Central Executive committee within fourteen (14) days of the date of the decision of the Central Executive Committee.

  3. The Appeals Committee shall be appointed by the President and shall consist of at least three (3) Officers of the Association and a member of the legal fraternity named by the Central Executive Committee who shall chair such committee.

  4. Any disciplinary action by the Central Executive Committee which is the subject of an appeal may, in the sole discretion of the Appeals Committee, be suspended pending the outcome of the said appeal.

  5. The Appeals Committee shall have the right and power to confirm, overturn or vary any order made by the Central Executive Committee wherein Its opinion it is just and expedient to do so.

  6. A majority decision of the Appeals Committee shall be sufficient to determine a matter and the decision of the Appeals Committee shall be final and binding.


  1. Upon appeal being lodged within the time prescribed hereunder, a decision to expel a member or an Officer from the Association shall be suspended until the same is ratified by a meeting of the General Body.

  2. An emergency or extraordinary meeting of the General Body shall be summoned by the President and/or the Central Executive Committee to ratify any decision taken by the Central Executive Committee to expel a member or Officer from the Association.



  1. A member shall cease to hold membership in the Association if:-

  1. "He resigns his membership by submitting a letter to that effect to the Secretary of the Central Executive Committee giving at least one (1) months' notice of his intention to do so.

  2. He is expelled from the Association in accordance with Article 13 hereof .


  1. An Officer shall cease to hold office in the Association if:-

  1. "He resigns his appointment by submitting a letter to that effect to the Secretary of the Central Executive Committee giving at least two (2) months' notice of his intention to do so.

  2. He becomes physically or mentally incapable of performing the functions of his office.

  3. He is expelled from the Association in accordance with Article 13 hereof.


  1. The Central Executive Committee shall have the power to make such rules from time to time encompassing matters concerning the entire Association which said rules shall be subject to a negative resolution of the next General or Annual General Meeting following the adoption of such rules.
  2. The Regional Executive Committee shall have no power to make rules of any nature and shall in all respects be subject to the rules and procedures established by the Central Executive Committee.
  3. The Annual General Meeting and the General Meeting of the General Body shall have the power and authority to enact rules from time to time by way of interpretation of this Constitution.


  1. The Association may be dissolved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of all registered and certified delegates of members and member bands entitled to attend and vote at a meeting of the Special Convention convened for that purpose.
  2. In the event of the dissolution of the Association, all of the funds and assets shall, after the liquidation of all of the just debts, demands and other obligations of the Association, be distributed to an organization which is qualified as a non-profit association and approved as a charitable body by the President of the Republic and which has aims and objectives altogether similar to those of the Association.


  1. The provisions of this Constitution may be modified, altered or amended by two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of all registered and certified delegates of members and member bands entitled to attend and vote at a meeting of the Convention or Special Convention of the Association.
  2. As soon as the proposed alterations or amendments shall have been adopted as herein provided, the result of the vote shall be announced by the Secretary and declared adopted by the President, whereupon such alterations and amendments shall be in full force and effect.

ARTICLE 19 - REPEAL Any and all provisions of the original Constitution and prior amendments which are inconsistent with or repugnant to the provisions of this amendment are hereby repealed. Dated this 22nd day of June 1997

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  • Tell me thisPan%20Trinbago%20Audit%20Report%202013-2016.pdf report....which can be found here

    As the findings of the report show any adherence to this Constitution?....

  • Pan%20Trinbago%20Audit%20Report%202013-2016.pdf

    Tell me this...has the audit report of Pan Trinbago done by Ernest Young commissioned by the Culture Ministry shown if there was any adherence at all to this Consitution? HOW IS THIS CONSTITUTION ABLE TO TREAT WITH the findings f this report for all stakeholders; Joe Taxpayer included moving forward...and please doh tell me to wait until Ash Wednesday 2020...that is the wrong answer..Media to meet Ministers to meet...ah gorn

  • Small & Medium Bands should start their own Association. The fact that PT is bankrupt, they can start fresh with the funds on hold from NCC. Where are these funds being held? Is it in an interest bearing account? Whats the interest rate on the millions of dollars deposited?


    The Association may be dissolved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of all registered and certified delegates of members and member bands entitled to attend and vote at a meeting of the Special Convention convened for that purpose.
    In the event of the dissolution of the Association, all of the funds and assets shall, after the liquidation of all of the just debts, demands and other obligations of the Association, be distributed to an organization which is qualified as a non-profit association and approved as a charitable body by the President of the Republic and which has aims and objectives altogether similar to those of the Association.
    • Wishfull thinking ODW...And you know that too...Single pan, Small, Medium, Large all waiting on a hand-out from somebody...Nobody wants to do the dirty work in steelband anymore...That is the crux of the problem...

      • merrytonestothebone: It have so much "STEELBANDS" in America, yuh could teach yuh grandson some BASIC ARITHMETIC just on that GIGMASTERS website. And we eh talking about the 700 SCHOOL STEELBANDS across the land, eh. And others not mentioned anywhere.

        You could have the little boy count up all the STEELBANDS by city and then by state and then give you a TOTAL COUNT of all the STEELBANDS ADVERTISED on the site. And then you could have him produce a little report in descending order by state from the MOSTEST to the LEASTEST. 

        The boy could even learn the geographic layout of AMERICA in the PROCESS.

        And when you get that REPORT from that little boy -- you will know for sure NOT to waste your time SENDING THE BIG 5 to America to showcase NO PAN, eh. Because PAN PLAYING everyday in America from Coast to Coast in schools and shopping malls and birthday parties and wedding ceremonies and boat rides and company picnics and private parties and music studios and private lessons and street corners.

        And what the CUSTOMERS like most is the SOUND OF THE INSTRUMENT!!! And the imaginary journey to the CARIBBEAN. Notice I did not say TRINIDAD!!!

        • merrytonestothebone: I hear you, the list below are registered schools over 700 plus, something to ponder for those not willing to take action and LEAD. 

          From National Society of Steelband Educators

          U.S. and Canadian K-12 and Collegiate Steel Band Directory

          The purpose of this directory is to facilitate communication between steel band directors and to enable research on steel bands in U.S. schools and universities. I am greatly indebted to various friends and colleagues who reviewed and contributed to this list. If you have corrections or additions to this list please e-mail me at Lastly, Brandon Haskett has spent six years compiling this information; please cite this work if you intend to use it in a scholarly fashion.

          Please refrain from spamming or soliciting customers from this list. This deteriorates the goodwill of people that have shared their lists with me. Please help keep this resource available by using it responsibly. ALL contact information from this list is publicly available on school/university websites.

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