Edmonds News
Intergenerational steel drum camp.
(Photo courtesy Edmonds Center for the Arts)
Edmonds Kind of Play: The value of intergenerational activities
...Next week, the Edmonds Center for the Arts is offering “Intergenerational Steel Drum Camp with The Seattle Steel Pan Project and Silver Kite Community Arts” – Silver Kite “offers award-winning intergenerational programs designed to connect generations through the arts.” This week of camp for both teens (6th grade and up) and adults over the age of 55 is structured so that young people play together in a special morning session. They then “take the lead” to help their adult band-mates “with the objective to provide leadership and mentor opportunities to both youth and adults.” At the end of each camp day, the band members eat lunch together. The younger half of this camp meets from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and the adults (55+) join them from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.. With online registration, there is still time to join this camp next week! You can link directly to the camp page HERE, where you can click “buy ticket” to register on the Edmonds Center for the Arts site....
What a fine idea! I wish this were replicated in a lot of other cities.
Glenda: I said in a previous posting that SEATTLE is going to become PAN CENTRAL USA ... but that is a long and complex story!!!
How so Claude?
Since the MID EIGHTIES, Coastal Californians started migrating to SEATTLE (the WHY should be obvious given the politics of today). These are some of the people who SUPPORTED PAN HEAVILY in CALIFORNIA and essentially integrated it into "their culture".
Even though I am not a PAN LOVER, as a supporter of PAN MUSIC I was in a position to OBSERVE the way in which people (I left out a qualifier before "people" to minimize the politics) seem to FALL IN LOVE WITH and ROMANTICIZE PAN MUSIC.
Once they got to SEATTLE they were not going to give up their NEW CULTURAL TOY and I would suspect that it became a reminder to them of "What California Once Was -- the Good Tmes". So being mostly of sufficient means, I could have seen them further establishing THE PAN with diverse PAN PROGRAMS.
So as PAN DIES in CALIFORNIA, PAN WILL RISE in SEATTLE. And being in a more concentrated area, the exchange of ideas will flow more freely and new iterations of the MUSIC & INSTRUMENT will emerge making SEATTLE a MAJOR PLAYER in THE WORLD OF PAN.
That is my abbreviated and politically correct answer to your question, bugs. It is a long story steeped in DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGE AND POLITICAL TURBULENCE -- but I will leave that alone.