If we can find a-z+ problems in Pan Trinbago, we can find a-z+solutions.
Structure of Organization:-
- Separation of responsibilities. Executives must not hold administrative positions. E.g.
No more President /C.E.O.
No more Secretary / Office Manager etc.
No more Vice President / Events Manager etc.
- Administrative staff must have qualifications /experience and will be on short-term contracts. These contracts would only be renewed on a result-based assessment.
- The executive would act only as the Board of Directors, charting the way forward with futuristic planning. The execution of these plans would be the responsibility of the C.E.O. and his team. To set up a team willing to volunteer their expertise/advice to the executive.
- Constitutional reform.
- Recognize the pan players. They’re the reason why Pan Trinbago exists. Represent their needs as an item in the constitution or by-laws.
Policies on Accountability, Transparency and Efficiency: -
- Maximize efficiency throughout departments.
E.g. Departments must be created, equipped, staffed and have an annual budgetary allocation. E.g. Public Relations department, External Relations department, Education department etc. This system would ensure that elected officers have all the support needed to accomplish their objectives, does not exceed Pan Trinbago’s budget and it would be easier to assess the elected officers’ performance or lack thereof.
- Maximize efficiency through communication e.g. using electronic media to get information to bands in a timely manner.
- Efficient Secretariat.
- Minutes, agenda and financial reports circulated one week before meeting.
- Minutes and Financial Reports should also be circulated to Zonal Chairman.
- Correspondence must be promptly addressed and feedback provided to sender at meetings.
- President must have a recommended ceiling figure he may approve for payment. Any amount above this must be approved by the board.
- Salaries, stipends, bonuses and honorariums must be approved by the board and they must inform the membership of these figures prior to payment.
- All contracts should be approved by the board and any contract which is signed without a board decision will not be binding. Members must be informed of the contractual arrangements and the figures of the contract prior to execution.
- Mechanisms must be put in place to measure individuals’ performances both in the executive and administrative departments of the organization.
- Written commitment from Government sponsored shows or competitions prior to hosting.
- There must be a maximum financial cut off on items purchased for the organization by the President/Treasurer/C.E.O. Items above this range must go to the Executive for approval. E.g. A minimum of three quotes from various suppliers must be supplied, prior to discussion/consideration or approval.
- Constringent policies for rental of commodities/vehicles on behalf of the organization e.g. Approval by the board of any item to be rented must be given prior.
- Member bands must be awarded first preference on contracts within the organization, as opposed to external organisations. e.g. Millions of dollars in contracts on the Greens by none entity of the Steel band movement.
- Selection of Bands for tours e.g.
To create a list of bands on our website for selection for International tours. All bands listed would be eligible and selection would be based on availability and succession i.e. bands would each have a turn at selection. The bands would know when it is time to get themselves prepared. This process would alleviate biasness and would not allow executive members to have their bands alone selected for tours.
- Selection of bands for Pan Trinbago shows during the year e.g.
Creating a list of bands on our website for Pan Trinbago shows during the year. All bands listed would be eligible and selection would be based on availability and succession i.e. bands would each have a turn at selection. The bands would know when is time to get them selves prepared. This process would alleviate biasness and would not allow executive members to have their bands alone selected for these gigs.
- Selection of judges for International duties e.g.
Create a list of viable judges on our website for selection for International duties. All judges listed would be eligible and selection would be based on availability and succession i.e. This would alleviate biasness and would not make it seem that the President and certain members of the Executive giving the judges a favour. A favour which then makes the judges compelled to give these executive members bands high pointsin Panorama in order to be selected for international duties again.
- To consider purchase of four maxi and four trucks. Transportation costs to host in house events would be kept at a minimum.
- To negotiate with the Government, not to charge bands for police and fire service personnel for community Steel pan events.
- Merchandising: To create a brand, products and a label.
- Online radio station.
A1. Audio and video studio.
B1. Web page to generate income, similar model to (WST).
C1. Become a member of the Chamber of Commerce.
D1. Encourage bands to invest in tents, portable floors, stages, scaffolding etc.
All of these items Pan Trinbago pays large sums of money for to host events. E.g. the GREENS
E1. To open gift shops in strategic locations e.g. The Airport
F1. Restaurants and entertainment centres. (Pan, music and food)
Education: -
G1. Books, charts, short videos, in the skill of playing pan, music theory using the steel pan as the instrument of choice, Steel band management etc. must be developed.
H1. Curriculum for teaching steel pan in public school, curriculum for the pan yards, for camps and short courses, as each has its own dynamic and challenges.
I1. Selling lesson plans online.
J1. Creating a Pan Trinbago certified examination.
K1. Giving bands incentives and support to document their own history.
L1. Form alliances with historians already in the field of steel pan history.
M1. Give incentives to student in our universities whose final year projects are on steel pan history and development.
N1. Fund invention and technology in steel pan as part owners of the end product.
O1. Link with Ministry of Education for music theory quizzes. Similar to a spelling bee.
P1. Two workshops every year to equip our membership in this rapidly changing Global market and how to stay relevant in it.
Q1. Creating a virtual space where documented information about the steel pan is available for research and development.
R1. Steel pan history to become part of the school curriculum.
International Trade: -
S1. Infiltrate Steel Pan Music Teachers in schools local and abroad.
T1. Infiltrate virgin territory. Export our culture. Recreating our carnival and commanding the business aspect of it.
U1. Create more international events.
V1. Have a space where foreign steel pan musicians could have affordable accommodation to encourage visits to the Mecca of Steel Pan.
W1. Link with International schools to supply pans with no down payment and have the state pay at a higher purchase deal.
X1. Control the maintenance contract of every school.
Z1. Assist at least one band annually to take part in an International Music Festival, to help boost tourism in our country.
Pan Yard Development-
A2. Establish bands as entertainment and/or education centres.
B2. Assist bands to develop their infrastructure to realize their goals.
C2. Assist bands with human resource management to realize their goals.
D2. Guide bands as to how to attract membership, keep them interested and help develop the maximum potential of their human resource.
E2. Assist bands in a meaningful away in acquiring property for Pan yard development.
Events: -
F2. Junior Steel Pan Festival.
G2. Repackage and reintroduce Pan Is Beautiful.
H2. Repackage and reintroduce Pan Ramajay.
I2. Three Panoramas for the year.
J2. Rebrand Pan in The Twenty First Century.
K2. Shows which highlight steel bands with certain genres of music. E.g. Reggae Fest, Gospel On the Go, etc.
L2. Restructuring the International Panorama to make it profitable for the country.
M2. Pan Trinbago International Steel Pan Jazz Festival.
N2. Monday night steel band mass competition.
O2. Establish a day on the road for steel band exclusively.
P2. Steel pan music alone for last lap on Carnival Tuesday.
Document of Concerned Individuals for Pan
Suggestion to improve the document would be accepted, deliberated and possibly incorporated.
Be apart of the solution not the problem.
Aquil: Since SEVEN O CLOCK this morning (WORLD CUP does start early on THE WEST COAST) ah drinking
meh coffee with meh rum and watching meh WORLD CUP
and enjoying meh self. Now yuh come bothering meh again with this COMMUNIST A TO Z MANIFESTO. Is true
that The WORLD CUP is in RUSSIA. But, LORD MAN, give meh ah break leh meh enjoy mehself, nah!!!