"The Brute Force recording delayed for a year, duly came out in 1952. It was distinguished by an original piece, composed by Hell’s Gate and entitled Cantata. Not only was it original. It contained a wonderful and unrivalled piece of improvisation by Bruce Fundu Bloodman, employing the bare stick rather than the rubber end, in a wonderful solo break. Cantata, combines, Afro-Cuban rhythms, mambo and rumba rhythms, Afro American beat, with this uniquely West Indian solo run by Bruce Fundu Bloodman.."
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CONFLICTING CLAIMS have been the NORM in the PAN WORLD for decades -- NOTHING NEW about that.
Leh me hide behind ah little paragraph (from one of the articles) that I just read from the LAST POSTING put up by WHEN STEEL TALKS.
"These CONFLICTING CLAIMS (so what else is new?) not withstanding, what's known for sure is that by the end of the decade of the 40's , Antigua was in hot and heavy pursuit of this dynamic new musical form. Packing a powerful one-two wallop of support from BALDWIN on the one hand and the island's labour leaders on the other, the STEEL BANDS dug in voraciously. In Henry's [Eustace "Manning" Henry] words, 'We were set. We were on our way. Lord Baldwin's support had already crowned it for us, since he had the authority to make things happen'."
Rick Howard PAN Fall 1985 Vol1. No1.
But ah really want to hear allyuh ORIGINAL COMPOSITIONS!!! So please PUT THEM UP!!!
Very interesting topic. My deepest thanks to all those involved in documenting our history. It is gratifying to know that all is not lost.
Brenda h.
That is not the first original composition for pan. First was "Papito" by Lt. Joseph Griffith, performed by TASPO, recorded 1951. Then there were "A Theme For Steel" by Art DeCoteau and Patsy Haynes, "Steel Session" by Art DeCoteau, "Catchy" by Art DeCoteau, "Casablanca Serenade" by Randolph Simmons and "Jamboree" by Baron Arrieta, all recorded 51/52, performed by Casablanca Steel Orchestra, produced by SaGomes.
Kim Johnson is absolutely correct! TASPO produced the first original compositions for pan in 1951. Also, the above Brute Force album wasn't recording until 1954 (not 1952 as noted above) and the album released in 1955.
Put up the MUSIC!!!
very good in formation Claude Gonzales, you could tell you is a Guanize, to find this hiden history, how many panme will know that, you ar a boss, , great, thanks for the pan knowledge,
I am always cautious to sat "first" until you have done a complete research. There was a time when it was acclaimed that Brute Force had done the first recording on the steel pan until it was discovered that Casblance had a series of recordings well before. Among them may have had an original piece of music but I have to check. It is always safer to say "one of the firsts". However I do acclaim that Brute Force made a significant contribution to early quality recordings on the instrument.
Mr. Daniel: Since you are here I have to tell you that your LYRICS to "THIS FEELING NICE" could well be the best I have ever heard and read in ANY CALYPSO. I am glad that I got the opportunity to tell you that "IN PERSON." And I am as RABID a CALYPSO LOVER as you could ever find. I was bold enough to write a little blurb on my interpretation of the CALYPSO (right or wrong) ....
THIS PAN TING is not really my thing ... but I am just here HELPING DEM OUT. I am a CALYPSO LOVER at heart.
Back to the PAN: Everybody is free to PUT UP THEIR PAN MUSIC and support their argument with their dates and then we take it from there.
I would like to hear the CASABLANCA RECORDINGS and the TASPO RECORDINGS.