Everybody knows that TASPO (TRINIDAD ALL STEEL PERCUSSION ORCHESTRA) made a historic trip to ENGLAND in 1951. But PAN had crossed the waters BEFORE TASPO -- even reaching as far as ENGLAND.
In 1947 RED ARMY went to BRITISH GUIANA!!!
In 1949 RISING SUN went to ST. VINCENT!!!
In 1950 INVADERS went to ARUBA!!!
In 1950 BOSCOE and SHIELA HOLDER took PAN to ENGLAND to perform on a BBC BROADCAST!!!
All that HISTORY and ting good, eh. But ah keep telling allyuh that the MOST IMPORTANT thing for PAN right NOW (TODAY) is to COMPOSE SOME GLOBAL PAN MUSIC and to POLISH UP a LOCAL PAN STAR and get him out there PERFORMING THE MUSIC around THE GLOBE!!!