
  • odw: I have never put WARNER and DIAZ in the same boat. And I will never put them in the same boat or conversation. I have studied DIAZ. All I have ever thought about WARNER was that the TRINIS were saying how RICH he was and I wondered what BUSINESSES got him rich. We all knew the answer to that. It has now become public knowledge to ONLY THE UNINFORMED. You tend to simplify my postings and take them literally when in fact my tendency is to set up for 'further discussion". I know that everybody knows who NAP HEPBURN is. It was a rhetorical question! But I was trying (intending) to reference what he SYMBOLIZED IN CALYPSO at the time and how little the conversation has changed after 50 years with the calypso issue that you raised. I could talk calypso 20 hours a day for the rest of my life.

    At this point I have not expressed my opinion on the Lincoln Douglas comments. And if we ever got there my position will be a big surprise. When I put up a post if I get a response that does not flow in a worthwhile direction -- I just leave it alone. Over time an opportunity comes back up to reassert and I take it then. Like this Diaz discussion. It has been going on for years and I am FIXATED by it because I have been close to the PAN TRINBAGO issues since the early nineties -- although I don't live in Trinidad. Long story!!! That is the only topic that I really care about on the forum. And I will state again that I am very informed on this topic. Other than the failure of our PAN MUSICIANS to make any worthwhile music -- that topic  gets me going to -- the PAN TRINBAGO issue always get my goat. I intuitively came back because I saw the DIAZ scenario unfolding. But I had no idea that the PLOT TWIST was going to rise to THIS LEVEL OF COMPLEXITY.

    GAME STARTING NOW! And this is not a coded message -- Cecil! 

  • CH; I forgot to mention that PanTrinbago got at least $34,000.000.oo million TT Tax payer's dollars, for this years Panorama...

  • CH; I understard too well what U R saying, but HE WON"T BE, the International Panorama was derived for that very specific reason, for the PT regime to reign a while longer...

    • JJJ, I've been saying that all along, every one knows his tricks now. Yuh can't fool all the people all the time.

      • Cecil: The politics change boy. Obama gave DIAZ a GOLDEN SPOON.


  • Since ERROL gone and the forum DEAD and allyuh switch to calypso. Ah might as well post one of my favorite calypsos.

  • Cecil: If the discussion is INVITING people will jump in. If people feel that they will not be cussed out or abused they will participate in the forum. The NEGATIVES are already stacked high but some broader topics will induce side line readers. THE NEW VISIONARIES are dead AND Diaz will be president until 2021 -- so we better leave dem subjects alone. The PANORAMA DISCUSSIONS are past REDUNDANT -- that too should take a BACKSEAT.

    Ah see man talking about calypso now! I could join in that but this is a PAN FORUM and I have chosen not to taint it with CALYPSO dissections. Now I doh know nothing about no pan; I have previously stated my positions on the PAN. But when it come to CALYPSO I like ERROL -- I feel that I know more than anybody else (right or wrong).so I sure to get CHASE OFF.

    Anybody on this calypso discussion ever hear about NAP HEPBURN? That is already a loaded question!!!

    • Do you really think it's possible to talk about pan without mentioning panorama? if Diaz is voted in as president I don't think anyone would have a problem with that.

      • Cecil,

        The state of Pan and where its is today as a result of one man's ambition, when Diaz was elected he won by I believe close to 30 more votes against Patrick Arnold. His big speech about what Pan needs and how he was going to take the lead in making a difference impressed the membership to give him their vote, today do you think they are buying that bullshit? if they do, then we all have to accept they are dumb and uninformed. 

        • odw, what I meant was, there is nothing anyone can do if Diaz is voted back in, just get the election out of the way. The way things look like there won't be any opposition anyway.

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