The following, is a list of words and phrases, that I have created, and/or defined over the past few years. Hope you find a way to use them in their right contexts. More to come...
- Panacite: A human parasite in the Steelband Movement, who uses the pan as a "host". An exploiter of the instrument known as the steel drum or pan, and/or "pan culture". (They are sometimes very difficult to detect. Some even appear as helpful bacteria, like those you find in yogurt.)
- Pankofa: the concept of “moving pan forward”, while extracting the essence of its past. An adaption of the word, “Sankofa”. No culture or sub-culture ever survives, without being deeply-rooted with its past. The roots of the instrument, goes way back, to the slave plantations, and the roots of the steelband, are African in origin.
- Singing Drum: A drum made of steel, created by the Afro-Trinidadian, and developed by the people of Trinidad and Tobago. A coined term, originated by George David Goddard, to describe the steel drum/pan.
- Revomusician: A revolutionary who plays/performs music, who understands that society and music go hand in hand, and who uses music to bring about positive change. Examples: Stevie Wonder, Sonny Bono, Bob Marley.
- Pantomine: A steelpan player, who has no connection to steelband’s past, and selfishly pursues his (or her) own careers, while being apathetic and “appallingly silent” (see MLK’s famous quotes) to the plights of his (or her) peers.
- Pan Movement: A euphemism used to disconnect the instrument (pan) from the environment from whence it was created (steelband). NOTE: There was NEVER any “pan movement”.
- Pan Bands: Another euphemistic term to remove the word “steelband” from our vocabulary. As with “pan movement”, there were NEVER any “pan bands”. As a matter of fact, there weren’t any “steel pan bands”, for that matter. The “bands” that the instrument has ALWAYS been associated with, are called “steelbands”, and there members, until women became a part of them, were ALWAYS known and recorded into history as “steelbandsmen” or “panmen”, but NEVER as “pan bands men”. NOTE: Some “bands” opted for the term “orchestra”, however, NEITHER of them ever referred to themselves, or were referred to as “pan orchestras”, but rather “steel orchestras”. STEEL, is what made these “bands” and “orchestras” UNIQUE! (That they were using “drums”, made of steel, or “steel drums”, which, eventually became known as “steel pans”, steelpans”, or, simply “pan”.)
- Steel drum: A member of the idiophone family of musical instruments, that produces a sound when struck. The metaphoric reference to “drum”, is in keeping with the African traditions, as was the case with the “tamboo bamboo”. (Tambour is drum, in French.) Although, the instrument is now known as a “steelpan” or “pan”, the “inventors” of both the tamboo bamboo and steelpan, considered it a drum, in terms of form and function.
- Steelband Movement: The socio-political mobilization of the steelbands, that provided the purpose, leadership and direction, which brought the steelbands out of barbarism, and into a civilized state.
- Panitization: The process of sanitizing the “image” of the steelbands and pan, whereby the uneducated and under-educated lumpen, who “invented” the instrument and sub-culture, are intentionally replaced with a more “acceptable” minority, made up of the elite and college-educated. The act of extracting the instrument from the steelband, and the removal of the steelband from the streets during the annual Carnival celebrations.
- Idiophoney: A classification of musical instruments, where, for convenience, the electronic instruments, rather than being classified as “electrophones”, are falsely categorized as members of the steel drum/pan family of “idiophones”. The former needs electricity to produce sounds; the latter, belongs to the family of percussive, acoustic instruments, such as the djembe and tambourine. (Tambour, means “drum” in French; the source of “tamboo bamboo”.) NOTE: The shape and design of a musical instrument, DOES NOT define its classification. ONLY the method used to produce the sound is considered, when classifying and grouping musical instruments.
- “Caged Gorilla With A Thorn Stuck In Its Thumb”, or CGWATSIIT Syndrome: A condition plaguing the steelbands, where things only hurt them enough to cry (and complain) ad nausea, but not enough to do something about it (like simply pull the thorn out of their thumb).
The panacite continues to feed...Ghost.
CONSIDER: Call me paranoid, but if after inviting a male friend into my home, he goes around telling my wife how old, rusty, soft and out of tune I am, I would think that male "friend" is trying "ah ting" to be the new "head of the house". (How say you?) George D. Goddard, on the marketing of "electronic pans".
Ghost. Same philosophy; different attitude.
Hear mih, bredren! Staylow, is like ah chupid UGLY fish, with he mout' always wide open, waiting to take de bait! I doh know how allyuh does take the TunTun seriously at all! Why he want to bring race and colour into this??? Because de guy is a pathetic LOSER, who has to resort to the lowest level to assert his Chupidee self!
And then, de other half-wit, who thinks he's funny! Well, leh mih not waste any time on he! I just laughing at assouls from now on! HEE HEEEEEEE, LAWDY MISS CLAWDY!!!
Ah tell allyuh to check Gavin Smith, on how to deal with PT, and leh we FORWARD!
I will not give ASSOULS the satisfaction of declaring my family history....the intelligent people on this forum will know where I'm coming from. I am a TRUE TRUE TRINI! Now leh we go!
Brian: Yuh went messing with Sidd and the man rendered you null and void on the forum. All yuh credibility gone boy, how yuh go be ah leader now and encourage people to move forward?
Go on, Noddy ( nodding dog!), Go an' wag yuh tail behind yuh master, Staylow Sid, an' lapp up he crap! Lawdy Miss Claudy! Hee HEEEE!
Brian: I man my own ship, boy!!! Leh we make the peace and move forward!!!
Brian, I found his comments racist, insulting, disrespectful, full of hate...wait a minute...ALL in keeping with his character. And, had I made those comments, the WST warlords would have been coming out of the woodwork. He also tries to project his own racial animus on others, especially the Ghost. The fact is, because I understood where his racist attitudes and opinions stem, I decided to have it explained by an East Indian Dalit (Untouchable), Dr. Venu Annamalai. (See my videos.) I also posted a video by a white American, Tim Wise, on "White Privilege", only to have my intent warped by those who would rather add confusion and chaos, than sensible rebuttals. (Again, see my videos.)
I have also posted enough about myself, including videos, photos, poems, and discussion topics, that even the most intellectually-challenged, would come to know how much I love ALL humanity. My adopted half-sister is Chinese-Trinidadian; her husband is as "red neck" as they get. To date, they have been the kindest people to me, since I have been in America. I have dated women of almost every "race", and unlike what people may think about us, we are BOTH players! So, expect HATE from the PLAYA-HATERS, for that is the ONLY emotion they seem to possess. Again, keep in mind, that the serpent in the garden, also spoke with forked tongue.
I try to remind this WST forum that a "wolf in shepherd's clothing, is MUCH, MUCH more dangerous, than a "wolf in sheep's clothing". (What type of clothing do you think these wolves prefer; sheep's or shepherd's?) Anyway, Brian, what you look like has NOTHING to do with who you are. You are my "Trini" brother, and I love you in the purest sense of the word. I look forward to meeting you. I am totally done with holding any discussions or responding to anything that stems from a place of hate, envy, and corruption. They know what they are doing, and they may affect the quality of discussion on WST, but, again, they have NO control over my thoughts or actions. What a bunch of jealous losers! And, YES, their karma will catch up with got that right! One love, bro, and again, THANK YOU for your sacrifice! Let them run and carry news to whomever they choose, because that is all they are good for...smh.
Ghost. Same philosophy; different attitude. (Sorry, Ghost-haters and head-hunters; MORE TIMES!)
And he take down all de dotish posts!!!. ....Like de lawsuit frighten him!!!
Well, I could finish cuss now! Hallelujah!
Ghost, Bro', thanks for your support! The demon just used the race card, because he felt it would get the Forum against me! What must he think of them??? Like I said, and, you said, ignore the ignorant....the Evil one doesn't like that!....Listen bro', you're worth 10 of him! (Wink, Wink...TunTun, ain't going to like that, at all!)
Go on and do your thing, Ghost, and, don't let that "Electronic, Synth talk phase you! Amplified REAL pans, are ALWAYS going to be better! Don't let a few LOSERS, put you off YOUR INITIATIVE!
One Love, and Bless!
For the past two days, I have been reading the comments posted on When Steel Talks. I had hoped that we would have used the turning of a new year, to evoke the turning of a new approach to debate. Obviously, for some, their egos rule their thinking, and anyone who truly loves our steelband and pan culture, would be highly disappointed to see the level of disrespect being displayed, especially by those who claim to be offended by the disrespectful words of others. I really hoped that you all would have left those pathological behaviors behind in 2013, but it is obvious, that some are unable to elevate their consciousness above their "animal instincts". I have no desire to engage in such juvenile, destructive, and divisive conversations, and those who choose to poke at me, are free to continue in their pathological behaviors.
I am only accountable for my actions, and blaming me for the words and actions of others, or judging me, based on the hateful misrepresentations of my intent, will not deter me from doing what is right for my country, my people, and my culture. We all will be held accountable, and it will serve ALL to keep in mind, that our comments on WST are not fleeting; that future generations will be able to go back and read ALL that was said and not said. Anyway, I wish you all a safe, blessed day, and it is my wish that you all become free of the hate that you seem to be afraid to release. Hotep (Peace).
Ghost. Same philosophy; different attitude.