Loop Magazine
Pan Trinbago President Beverly Ramsey-Moore has assured that there will be a Panorama competition this year.
However, she said, the organisation cannot pay pannists for 2018 and payment does not look possible for 2019.
"I have said to the general membership that we have moved from an allocation of over $30 million to 20 million. This executive cannot continue to put this organisation in debt," she said.
It is just unbelievable the people who just want things their way without proper consultation. Maybe the next step is to have no savannah presentation for any event….Just use the road.
Now you tell me Michael C Smith /BCV.How is the future looking Bright for Pan trinibago,? When the people who is
suppose to execute the product is not getting pay.
I guess you are one of the crazy one.How would you like to work in any company and don't get pay.
The future must look bright if they are exploiting the panman. I'd like to call it " Theft of services".
Ah wonder how it look for pan players?
Why are you all. playing the Panmen & Panwomen that way?
Everybody shaping up to get money this panorama,But the stars of the show not getting any money.
How I look at this,If the Panmen & Panwomen are not going to get any money,Then nobody should get money,
Forget panorama until you all get money to pay everybody.
Is that the Arranger is better than the Panmen & Panwomen or The pantuner better Or the drilll Master better than the
Panmen & Panwomen heck no, Who ever are in charge better get money to pay the Panmen & Panwomen
If You want to have a panorama.And Panmen & Panwomen please don't fall for that because they will always want you to play for` FREE.
Remember this.The first note in music DOE and that mean money.So please don't get play this Panorama.
Don't play if you don't get pay.
That's right DOE play, if they DOE pay.
KEEP ON JAMMIN' -- 911!!!