Global - He was the blueprint for successful steelband leadership. George Goddard, one of the early leaders of the Steelbands Association, was awarded the Trinidad & Tobago Humming Bird Medal Gold posthumously for his contribution to the development of the steelband.
In an exclusive 1982 interview with producer, journalist, author and noted on-air broadcaster Von Martin - Pan leader and former Steelbands Association president George Goddard spoke on his involvement, memories and expectations in the steelband movement of Trinidad and Tobago.
read more, listen to interview
In George Goddard's time there were enough intelligent people and people of good will in Pan to elect someone with the character and brilliance of a George Goddard. Today gangstas and dummies rule.
The best president in the history of Pan a total shame that we do not have a complete history of the original starting of pan . I truly believe if the commission was started . it will have come to light that we are the truly founder of these unique instruments. Forty Years In The Steelbands 1939-1979 by GEORGE '' Sonny. '' Goddard great book Parade of the Carnivals of Trinidad 1839-1989 by Michael Anthony. Desperadoes for life
Much appreciated, Ms. Charles. Of course, I am the first mentioned contributing writer in Pan Trinbago's 50th Golden Anniversary Panorama magazine, where they acknowledge that George "Sonny" Goddard is the "Co-Founder" of their major event. Now, can you imagine one being an "education officer" and being promoted to become the leader of the organization, not being familiar Goddard or his 40 year contributions? Which bona fide organization would ever choose someone ignorant of its history? oh, I forgot...Pan Trinbago. Not ONE article in their "golden" magazine by the former education officer, however, my writings were given pages and my name, the first mentioned. Adding to my unofficial "resume", with a reference from the current president. lol. (Remembering why no one likes me. Too truthful.) Thank you again, Ms. Charles! Keep posted; I have more revelations forthcoming.