The lazy Education Officer of Pan Trinbago, is only out for himself. Part 2#
By Aquil Arrindell
Going into Pan Trinbago as interim education officer, recruited by my Diaz, the other interim officers and I were told we could not vote on issues. The organization hadn’t had an education officer for a long time so there was no one to hand over. No ongoing projects, no agendas, no plans, just a void to fill. It was clear that the executive was event-based as the projects the president handed me were mostly events, such as Junior Panorama, Youth boat ride, Youth jamboree etc., which was not a problem for me, so I did as asked. But I needed to do more with what I am passionate about. So I bought a high definition video camera and started documenting things to put on social media using Pan Trinbago’s Facebook page and website. This was also a strategy to attract some more traffic on our page because it was a virtual dead zone. If we could get the page active, we could make money through advertising and selling our products. Much like what is happening on W.S.T.
Below are some examples of videos I did. Youth boat ride. Benefit concert for Dr. Jit Samaroo. Steel pan history with Mr. Nestor Sullivan.
Also did a four-part series, on judging and arranging, with the intent to use it as a Pan Trinbago project and that too did not work out. Here is a link to one of the YouTube videos.
Now, I recorded the videos but I needed someone to edit them to give them that professional touch. The average cost was $500. each. After about the fourth video, I realized
that after numerous requests for the editor’s money, I would not be getting it. I let them know how embarrassing it was to have to be owing the editor as that was not something I was accustomed doing. I was told, ‘all kind of big business does owe people, so who is we’. I ceased recording videos immediately and as I analysed the situation, I got a hint that Pan Trinbago was experiencing money problems. So I brainstormed and came up with a way to make money for education projects, whilst educating our members.
I took the suggestion to the executive and with their blessing, I set out to create a music workbook for Pan Trinbago to sell, together with an exam. The proceeds of which would go to the education fund. I passed my intent around other steel pan educators so it could be a joint venture and only one person was interested in assisting me. That was a Pan Trinbago officer from the south central regional office (whose name I would not call at this time). Without funding from P.T., we planned and put together the content. She went on to develop the material, got a copyright on the book, and demanded 90% of the royalties and left 10% for Pan Trinbago. Yes, you heard right! And to make it worse, she made those demands whilst being represented by her father-in-law, the then south central chairman who is the present PRO.
The central executive was extremely upset by her actions. They ordered me to do another book without help, which I did. Still no funding from Pan Trinbago. Elections came, and the south chairman was elected as PRO and his friend was elected as ERO. When the meeting was called to discussion, I presented the book as an item to International Steel Band Association members. The ERO said, without seeing the book or knowing how to read his name if it is written on the staff, that he was sure the book was inferior to the book by his partner, Sala Wilson. Not too long after, the decision was made in my absence to include everyone’s books. The ERO partner’s book, PRO’s daughter-in-law’s book and my book as Pan Trinbago products. I laughed to see how I started off trying to create a product for Pan Trinbago to make money for an education fund, not wanting anything out of it personally, and these men came into office and made the venture a hustle for themselves, their partners and their families. Then they want to call players hustlers.
So if it seemed that I was not working or someone told you so, think again.
I thank God every day that he sent the PRO and the ERO to make sure my book did not become a Pan Trinbago product, because all now it would have been tied up in all this negative branding Mr Diaz has brought on to the organization (by purchasing cars through fraudulent means with PT’s money etc.).
Parts of the books is attached, as evidence that I was not just sitting in office, scratching.
Yours truly,
Aquil (Education Officer) Arrindell
Hi Guys,
I have not been involved too much lately on WST, but when I get a chance I do try to participate.
I missed this article and I am only now seeing it for the first time. I must admit that I don’t really understand what this is all about, but having my name called and mention in this manner implies a somewhat negative connotation.
Let me be very clear, I have had no dealings, nor suggestions neither any affiliation with the present administration as regard any of my steelpan text books.
Two of my steelpan text books have been adopted by the Min. of Education of the T&T government for use in the public schools since 2005.
I don’t know who is the ERO, who is supposed to be my partner, but please get all the facts correct, before including anyone’s name in the conversation, especially if it leaves people gasping as to who is mixed up with PT.
None of my textbooks are a part of Pan Trinbago's product. My books are a part of the public schools curriculum and available for the public.
Salah Wilson
I have just been listening to Aquil's interview with my good friend Nestor Sullivan on one of his You Tube videos "Steel pan history with Mr. Nestor Sullivan", and I must say without fear of contradiction that Sullo's account of some aspects of the 1960s and 1970s especially as it relates to steelband in fetes, and more specifically as it relates to the Trinidad Hilton during the early part of that decade is expressly flawed and inaccurate. It is regrettable that My Sullivan chose to promote himself and whatever band he may have represented back in the 70s, while deliberately misinforming the viewing public, by omitting, or refusing to recognize and/or name the steelband that was a fixture at The Trinidad Hilton twice a week during that period, and for sure on a Carnival Thursday Night up until the early 80s, when the band split in two on that night, a section remaining at The Chinese association in St Anns where they played from Carnival Thursday night, and every night until J'ouvert when they went on the road with revellers from "Chinese", down St Anns Road, around Queens Park East, and down Frederick Street to compete in the Bomb Competition. In 1981 for the first time on Jouvert morning that route changed, becoming exponentially longer with a competition at Harvard round about, then down Tragarete Road to get to the Bomb Competition downtown. Quote me on that, and please solicit a response from Mr. Sullivan Aquil. Thank you.
Brenda H.
Brenda H.
That is some very specific detail on the CORRUPTION in PAN TRINBAGO; and that is only on a very small-book level. I wish someone else would come on and give details on other scams across the board. Especially a CASH DRIVEN EVENT like PANORAMA TICKETS and GATE RECEIPTS -- that could be some good revelations.
Somebody should come on and tell us how PAN TRINBAGO try to intimidate LOCAL BUSINESSES into giving money with THREATS and INTIMIDATION (BADJOHNISM) and how much it really cost the organization in the LONG RUN.
So all dem sophisticated "BUSINESS MODELS" that ODW does be suggesting for PAN TRINBAGO -- dem fellahs done write and implement they own "CORRUPTION MODEL". That is what Rowley say a few weeks ago in the paper. He say he DID NOT REALIZE that the MODEL was to GET THE JOB and then find way to ENRICH YOURSELF introducing CORRUPT ANGLES once you get in the job. Look, even the CHIEF JUSTICE figure out a way to add a little hustle money to his INCOME -- THE CHIEF JUSTICE. Last year even the PRESIDENT get exposed in a little wine hustle.
The EDUCATED and the UNEDUCATED all inculcated by the CULTURE OF CORRUPTION.
But ah still doh know where Aquil going with this series of lectures. On some levels it sounds like a FAREWELL TO POLITICS speech once he wake and smell the coffee and realize that CLAUDE GONZALES was right: His political glass IS EMPTY.
Once again: THE RIGHT HONOURABLE KEITH DIAZ (With Help From The Minister of Culture) buried another OPPOSITION GROUP.
I say is time we get down to THE REAL BUSINESS OF THE FORUM and START discussing PANORAMA 2018.
Who playing what SONG and who arranging for who and who going to break through and KNOCK THE BIG 5 out of FIRST PLACE. Some people saying that BIRDSONG sure to win this PANORAMA because they bringing down the NUMBER JAZZ MAN in the world to arrange for them. My breakthrough winner is STARLIFT this year. Ah sentimental to EXODUS and SILVER STARS but dem bands though really sound good anymore. And I a big supporter of DUVONE STEWART but he cannot come higher than THIRD.
So ah betting on STARLIFT!!!
Who allyuh like?